Unorthodox cycle, come roast me


New Member
25M, training a few years, 88kg 189cm, 18%bf
I want to hear your opinions on this 'cycle", which is really just me dipping my toes in the water and seeing if AAS are for me. I'm a health professional and have a decent background knowledge on physiology and pharmacology, but don't know as much about AAS as I'm sure most of you do.

I have started an anavar only cycle at 20mg twice daily, for 4-6 weeks. One week in. I understand I will make minimal gains and likely lose a lot of it afterwards, and that it will shut me down. I also understand test is the base of all cycles and I should have started there. I would have done a proper beginner test cycle first, but I wanted to be able to pull out quickly if AAS are not for me/if i got sides etc (which i wouldn't be able to do with enanthate lets say).
I have done pre cycle bloodwork.
My plan for PCT was Clomid 100mg daily 3 days after anavar finishes, stepping down to 50mg and 25mg after 1 week each.

Now I know im gonna get flamed for an oral only cycle with no test base etc etc. I know. I understand the risks, which to be honest I consider low since its Anavar, and im likely to get my natural test back with the short duration of cycle and subsequent PCT.

Now the big question is, I also have access to a 5% testosterone cream (50mg per mL), which I am considering applying scrotally. NOT to enhance the cycle or add any extra gains, but purely to act as a mild TRT dose to satisfy my body's needs for some bioidentical testosterone and estrogen. What are your thoughts on running the cream starting (currently) one week into the cycle?
If i were to run the cream, how would you do it? duration and dose etc.
Or should I just stick to the shitty oral only anavar cycle after all.
Please dont flame me for how stupid an orals only cycle is, I just wanna know if I should keep at as anavar only + PCT, or add in the TRT levels of test cream.
“so I can pull out quickly and then ride the roller coaster of emotions from being shut down and then trying to recover my natural test levels”

If you were scared of clearance times then you could have used prop. Or you could have started low, like 300mg/wk and had a 99.99% chance of zero sides and a great first cycle. Instead, you’ve chosen this abomination, AND, in typical fashion came here after the fact instead of doing some reading, asking some informed questions, and putting something together that met your goals and made sense.
Yea but my question still remains, will it be healthier to do the androforte cream till the end, or not do it and stick with anavar only?
Yea but my question still remains, will it be healthier to do the androforte cream till the end, or not do it and stick with anavar only?
You're better off using the scrotum cream than not using any testosterone at all. You know you're doing this wrong and I'm not sure why you've decided to do it anyways. If you're going to use ball cream you may as well get some test propionate, some 31 gauge insulin needles and inject it. You'll feel so much better that way.
Too much social media and wrong youtube channels. You're not prepared to do any kind of cycle. That is mentally and physically. Come back when you have the right mindset and ready to do it and in the mean time make some progress in the gym and kitchen as there's still plenty to be made.
25M, training a few years, 88kg 189cm, 18%bf
I want to hear your opinions on this 'cycle", which is really just me dipping my toes in the water and seeing if AAS are for me. I'm a health professional and have a decent background knowledge on physiology and pharmacology, but don't know as much about AAS as I'm sure most of you do.

I have started an anavar only cycle at 20mg twice daily, for 4-6 weeks. One week in. I understand I will make minimal gains and likely lose a lot of it afterwards, and that it will shut me down. I also understand test is the base of all cycles and I should have started there. I would have done a proper beginner test cycle first, but I wanted to be able to pull out quickly if AAS are not for me/if i got sides etc (which i wouldn't be able to do with enanthate lets say).
I have done pre cycle bloodwork.
My plan for PCT was Clomid 100mg daily 3 days after anavar finishes, stepping down to 50mg and 25mg after 1 week each.

Now I know im gonna get flamed for an oral only cycle with no test base etc etc. I know. I understand the risks, which to be honest I consider low since its Anavar, and im likely to get my natural test back with the short duration of cycle and subsequent PCT.

Now the big question is, I also have access to a 5% testosterone cream (50mg per mL), which I am considering applying scrotally. NOT to enhance the cycle or add any extra gains, but purely to act as a mild TRT dose to satisfy my body's needs for some bioidentical testosterone and estrogen. What are your thoughts on running the cream starting (currently) one week into the cycle?
If i were to run the cream, how would you do it? duration and dose etc.
Or should I just stick to the shitty oral only anavar cycle after all.
Please dont flame me for how stupid an orals only cycle is, I just wanna know if I should keep at as anavar only + PCT, or add in the TRT levels of test cream.
100mg clomid will do more harm than the cycle it self and for the cream apply it to your balls, they might grow and make you pin yourself next time. Carry on with whatever this is called
You don’t rub test cream on your nuts. Look how thick the skin is and there’s no muscle to absorb it there. Rub it in your shoulders or thighs. You might as well run clomid for the whole anavar run and a month after then atleast it will raise your testosterone but this whole cycle is fuckin dumb anyway you’re better off running something like mk677 or cardarine if you wanna dip your toes without shutting down
Ya know, I feel like SARMS would align a lot better with the goal of an oral only cycle, they ain't dbol but if you are taking Anavar mono, you might as well just stick with SARMS
on the bright side, there's no way from here but up
Ya know, I feel like SARMS would align a lot better with the goal of an oral only cycle, they ain't dbol but if you are taking Anavar mono, you might as well just stick with SARMS
on the bright side, there's no way from here but up
Dbol only can work. People always seem so one sided. If I had to choose oral only (now obviously I'm a bnc dude, so for me it's a waste of time) I'd choose dbol.

Diet and training in check plus dbol for 6 weeks, gains will be very, very decent if you have never blasted before.

Orals get bad rep because of wrong people using them without basic knowledge and solid muscular base.