Because of the suspiciously low prices and the economic logic I know.
I will give you an example. Imagine there are 10 companies and they all sell the same stuff. 1 company sells the stuff for 50-70% lower prices compared to the 9 other companies without making the stuff to be low-quality or under dosed. In such case, the vast majority of users will buy stuff from that 1 company, forcing the 9 other companies to either go bankrupt or reduce prices significantly.
This principle is true in all cases, not just the underground steroids industry.
In my experience with 100 IUs HGH, the price difference is significant. Popular UGLs sell it for 190-220 Euro, while some cheaper UGLs sell it for about 130 euros. And I know some Chinese sources that sell it for 110 euros.
The price of testosterone is more than 50% lower.
If these sources DON'T make under dosed or low-quality steroids, how is it possible, logically and economically speaking, for the other sources not to go bankrupt or be forced to reduce prices significantly?
This is what I can't understand and it makes me suspicious.
And I have ordered some gear from these cheap sources. I will use blood tests to see if the steroids are properly dosed.
You are right.
I'm usually afraid of getting scammed with under dosed steroids.
Testosterone is the only steroid who's dosing I can confirm and prove to be right. I know the dose-dependent results in terms of ng/dL from a specific dose in my case, so all I have to do to see if it's properly dosed is to make a blood test.
Testosterone is easy to confirm if it's legit, but other steroids, such as primobolan, are impossible to be confirmed without a lab test in the solution itself, which is expensive. It could be masteron with a Primobolan label, and there is no way to confirm it through blood tests.
As for testosterone, I know they won't scam me with fake or under dosed gear. But I can't be sure they won't scam me when it comes to expensive and luxury steroids like primo.
But since I have no other choice, I'm just gonna trust them blindly and buy steroids from them.
No wonder you keep getting ripped off. You’re a scammers wet dream.