upping test e dose from 500mg to 750mg


New Member
hey im on my 8th week 500mg test e blast with 0.5mg arimdex on pins days

i wanna up to 750

should i change the dose on arimdex?

or should i just continue my cycle for another 12 weeks on 500mg ?
and add an oral like anavar then winstrol to finish off
Personally, I would do 12 weeks @ 500mg + var @ 60-80mg/day if you have the money for it but you would have to start now if you’re on week 8 and you want to reap real var benefits. It takes test e 2 weeks to clear from your system so you could have 6 weeks on var and make it in time for your pct to line up.

If you decide to just up the test dose to 750mg I would stick with .5mg adex. If you notice sides then you can increase the adex dose accordingly.
I would throw in an oral also .. that jump from 500 to 750 won't really do much but more acne oily skin and bloat
Stick to the .5 on pin days. If you're noticing yourself reacting like a little girl to situations where you usually keep your cool or you're sweating a lot more than normal, add another .5 somewhere in between pin days.
If you're gaining off 500mgs a week why up it ? Less is best save that other dosage for next cycle perhaps
hey im on my 8th week 500mg test e blast with 0.5mg arimdex on pins days

i wanna up to 750

should i change the dose on arimdex?

or should i just continue my cycle for another 12 weeks on 500mg ?
and add an oral like anavar then winstrol to finish off

Was that a typo or are you actually planning to run 500 mg/wk for 5 months straight?
Was that a typo or are you actually planning to run 500 mg/wk for 5 months straight?

Ive done that for 3 years straight and recovered fine after lol
Actually 750 a week (500 e5d) for around 2 years and then went the 250 2x a week route.
Yea i havent been the smartest lol
Nervje, based on all your threads and posts, you need to go see a psychologist. Seriously, please consider it. Get checked for BDD and other issues and ensure that you're doing whats best for you.
Nervje, based on all your threads and posts, you need to go see a psychologist. Seriously, please consider it. Get checked for BDD and other issues and ensure that you're doing whats best for you.
Why, because i blast and cruise?
A lot of threads i do make are about compounds i plan to use and decide against to after collecting all the information about it.
I wouldnt say im halfway close to what a competitive bodybuilder has to use except im running high tren atm, other than that only testosterone.
Theres a ton of other people who really really do need a psychologist, but i doubt im one of them.