Using AIs during cycle or PCT?


New Member

**This is probably a noob question, and I'm sorry if this has been asked before**

I realize AIs prevent Test from converting into estrogen. But when is it ideal to take them?

I know HCG is ideally taken during the cycle and SERMs are taken during the PCT (naturally) and occasionally during a cycle if gyno occurs.

But where do AIs factor in? I've heard varying opinions that it should be taken during the cycle or during PCT.

And what is difference between 'suicidal' and 'non-suicidal' AIs such as Arimidex and Aromasin?

Is there a comprehensive guide to AIs available on this forum?

Thank you
AI use depends on which and how much roids you will use in your cycle.
Check the profiles for Aromasin, Femara, Arimidex and Nolvadex
Steroid Profiles
Stay away from clomid, use nolva instead.
An AI SHOULD be used while cycling if hyperestrogenemic signs or symptoms are present. They are not indicated in the ABSENCE of such symptoms excepting perhaps those involved in COMPETITIVE BB.

Some have suggested the use of AIs during PCT to combat the high E-2 levels regardless of symptomstology.

The problem with such an approach is
the presence of aromatizable ANDROGENS which generate such high E-2 levels will negate the effectiveness of SERM mediated PCT.

Consequently those who are using such an approach often FAIL PCT, bc what many are in effect attempting to do is extend their cycle into PCT.

SERMS are NOT effective with either a high E-2 level (in fact it must also be LOW) or in the presence of ANY exogenous androgens.
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