using orals last 4ish weeks to keep all muscle while the test is leaving the body


New Member
since it's got a low half-life, would using it after stopping injectables, make gains stick more? what would happen if one were to use the least strongest sarm e2d while doing pct? would that make the pct useless?

ps: I am planning on doing a 500mg test with 30mg anavar for the first 12 weeks and anavar again weeks 17,18,19 once test is stopped and maybe 20 till pct starts
Nothing makes gains “stick” except building them on hard training and a competent diet. You will always lose some weight after stopping gear.

Using orals at the end of a cycle is a good idea for avoiding plateaus and having a continuous ramp vs the drop off from front loading, but that’s not using them after you pull injectables for “sticking” gains. It’s about continuing to make them. While injectables are still in and your body needs a kick to bust a plateau.

If you PCT, keep training hard and eating to keep your gains while you PCT.
If you crusie, drop to your cruise dose and keep training hard and eating.