Using same needle to draw and inject with peptides


New Member
Yeah I was just wondering if when using peptides and hgh can I use the same needle to inject as I use to draw on my insulin syringe or do I need to back load the insulin syringe.
I do for peptides all the time. Fuck that back filling bs.

No one backfills that's diabetic. Millions and millions draw with the same needle and inject
I draw and inject with the same needle. It doesn't peirce as easy in comparison to one that hasnt gone through a vial. 27 gauge 1 ml. I just don't reuse the same needle.
It's not just infection risk, though. The single-use syringes degrade pretty quickly, and they're cheap.
I use a new barrel and separate needles for drawing and injecting IM or I use a new insulin syringe for IM peptides. I got into the habit of reusing subq needles from being a broke 20-something year old injecting MTII for years. Now I change subq needles far more frequently but found that it never caused a problem so I don’t mind reusing a handful of times now
I do for peptides all the time. Fuck that back filling bs.

No one backfills that's diabetic. Millions and millions draw with the same needle and inject
agree with this as i do the same but i’ve noticed when drawing and injecting pharma insulin, it’s much smoother and doesn’t blunt the needle like ugl hgh and some aminos do
I use the same syringe for like a week with peptides that are only subq. Been doing that for years and never had a problem. I don’t suggest anyone follow my example tho
I do this and many diabetics (I am not diabetic) also do this to save money
Trying to save money?
Nah, just didn’t wanna be hassled buying them constantly as it wasn’t legal in my state at the time over a decade ago. Never had any issues doing it so it just persisted even as they became legal to possess and money wasn’t tight
Nah, just didn’t wanna be hassled buying them constantly as it wasn’t legal in my state at the time over a decade ago. Never had any issues doing it so it just persisted even as they became legal to possess and money wasn’t tight

So when you pull the needle out, it might look clean but it’s actually covered in biological matter: platelets, white blood cells, bits of epidermis, etc. Then while the needle is lying around, bacteria goes to work on all that stuff, feeding and multiplying.

When you push the needle back in the next day, you’re injecting those bacteria into your body (and if you draw with it you’re introducing bacteria into the vial). The only reason why this doesn’t make you ill is because your immune system is fighting the pathogens you’re introducing. But if it becomes compromised for whatever reason, you better hope you have antibiotics on hand.
I use the same needle for subq for a week at a time. Even on pens I use the same pen tip for the duration of a whole gh pen
So when you pull the needle out, it might look clean but it’s actually covered in biological matter: platelets, white blood cells, bits of epidermis, etc. Then while the needle is lying around, bacteria goes to work on all that stuff, feeding and multiplying.

When you push the needle back in the next day, you’re injecting those bacteria into your body (and if you draw with it you’re introducing bacteria into the vial). The only reason why this doesn’t make you ill is because your immune system is fighting the pathogens you’re introducing. But if it becomes compromised for whatever reason, you better hope you have antibiotics on hand.
Been doing it this way for about 12 years now and never had an issue