Very High Reverse T3


New Member

I'm new here... sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.

I am a 34 year old female, type one diabetic. I am very fit and currently preparing for a bodybuilding competition. My diet is clean and I workout 7 days a week.

I had some labs that came back with a very high reverse T3 of 746. This was the highest my Functional Medicine doc has ever seen. My liver (I believe enzymes) are also elevated. I thought the liver may have been due to a recent bladder infection and antibiotics.

I am most concerned about the reverse T3, my doctor says he thinks it is due to the stress on my body of training so hard. I am starting Cytomel at 15mcg 2 x day. Hopefully this reverses this issue soon.

Thankfully, I am still shedding bodyfat pretty well and training hard. That being said if Iie down I am asleep within minutes.

Do you think I will still be able to get down to 13% with my level this high? Any idea why this is so high? Anyone ever come across a level this high?

Thank you!
T3 is also pro*du*ced directly by your thy*roid, i.e. you get T3 from con*ver*sion, and you get it directly. But there’s another subs*tance pro*du*ced by the thy*roid called RT3, which means Reverse T3. It is also con*ver*ted from T4. In any situa*tion where your body needs to con*serve energy, such as emo*tio*nal, phy*si*cal, or bio*lo*gi*cal stress, your thy*roid will pro*perly con*vert any excess T4 to the inac*tive Reverse T3 (RT3) as a way to clear out the extra T4. This can hap*pen when you are chro*ni*cally or acu*tely sick such as having the flu, pneu*mo*nia, etc.