Very Low dose Winstrol oil recipe


Hi folks

Does anyone have a low dose winstrol oil recipe ? Like 5-10 mg /ml ?

Is it doable without any guaiacol? My go to for 50mg brew is 20% guaiacol and 1% BA. but am wondering if it’s doable without it ?

Alternatively , would it work to throw it into a blend brew at a low dose.

If you’re doing a cut stack like 50 test , 100 tren ,100 mast e, put in like 5-10 mg of winny ? Gut tells me it’s best to brew it on its own , no matter what

Thoughts ?

(The blend above is just an example. Could be whatever else you’d be blending. Even just test primo and a sprinkle of winny ).

Thank you
I wasn't able to let Winny hold at 25mg/ml in BA BB and MCT
Guiacoil is venom for our body it will skyrocket your C reactive protein.

In a "cut" stack 50/100 Test 50/100 Tren 50/100 Mast are more than enough to reach your goals and in any case i would just inject the 3 single products.

Injecting winstrol won't give you any advantage except that it doesn't need to be digested and won't cause any gut problems, but the liver will be affected anyway. Not to mention that it will become something different because you will miss some of the metabolites made from the liver. If a steroid was born as oral, you have to use it as it is. People like too much to reinvent the wheel.

In any case never had gut problems on winny.... and if so you can take a Proton pump inhibitor the last 4-6 weeks of your prep, to look good on the beach you don't need winstrol.

Also people still don't understand that oral steroids are not so toxic as they think, just take your orals and do GGT and Bilirubine blood tests and you will see that liver won't suffer at all. AST and ALT are nothing regarding liver.

I think that the toxicity from orals is overblown because most of steroid user have a really bad diet, full of saturated fats.
I wasn't able to let Winny hold at 25mg/ml in BA BB and MCT
Guiacoil is venom for our body it will skyrocket your C reactive protein.

In a "cut" stack 50/100 Test 50/100 Tren 50/100 Mast are more than enough to reach your goals and in any case i would just inject the 3 single products.

Injecting winstrol won't give you any advantage except that it doesn't need to be digested and won't cause any gut problems, but the liver will be affected anyway. Not to mention that it will become something different because you will miss some of the metabolites made from the liver. If a steroid was born as oral, you have to use it as it is. People like too much to reinvent the wheel.

In any case never had gut problems on winny.... and if so you can take a Proton pump inhibitor the last 4-6 weeks of your prep, to look good on the beach you don't need winstrol.

Also people still don't understand that oral steroids are not so toxic as they think, just take your orals and do GGT and Bilirubine blood tests and you will see that liver won't suffer at all. AST and ALT are nothing regarding liver.

I think that the toxicity from orals is overblown because most of steroid user have a really bad diet, full of saturated fats.
Thank you very much.

The main reason for injecting is for the pharmakinetics. I can do 5-10 mg over a 24 hr period. It would be less convenient and more difficult IMO to try and replicate such a small size and spread it out over 24h.

I agree tho. I feel awful after injecting winstrol PIP aside my body just feeds blah and I don’t notice it
Until I’m off if. Only did one oral cycle of it (just 4 weeks ) and had no issues Used TUDCA.

Good call on proton pump inhibitor. It’s key for me
With any anavar use especially.

Oh and low dose winstrol is a way to block progesterone receptors that would otherwise cause skin thickening when running tren (aka seal skin).

Another reason is that I find winny extremely functional as a nootropic but it’s not sustainable. I think the drug damages receptors or just gets you less dopamine and or serotonin action after using the drug
Thank you very much.

The main reason for injecting is for the pharmakinetics. I can do 5-10 mg over a 24 hr period. It would be less convenient and more difficult IMO to try and replicate such a small size and spread it out over 24h.

I agree tho. I feel awful after injecting winstrol PIP aside my body just feeds blah and I don’t notice it
Until I’m off if. Only did one oral cycle of it (just 4 weeks ) and had no issues Used TUDCA.

Good call on proton pump inhibitor. It’s key for me
With any anavar use especially.

Oh and low dose winstrol is a way to block progesterone receptors that would otherwise cause skin thickening when running tren (aka seal skin).

Another reason is that I find winny extremely functional as a nootropic but it’s not sustainable. I think the drug damages receptors or just gets you less dopamine and or serotonin action after using the drug
I use a very low dose Winny to "clean" Anadrol.
Usually when i want to push more the strength i add 100 Anadrol with 20 Winstrol and you notice a lot less water retention compared to 100 Anadrols.

Blood levels of oral steroids mean almost nothing mate, steroids work at receptors so you can take full dose of orals first thing AM and they work in the same way as you split them during the day.

Anavar gives me gut problems too, and in general it's pretty weak.
I reduced the use of orals to just Anadrol and Winstrol since those two are just the orals we really need.

If going for a competition, well it's different story, last two weeks Halo Proviron Winstrol and SD would be there.

Ouch i think that we got OT ^^
Ok but methyl TREN and SD are not "common use" steroids like for example Anadrol.....
I agree for the sdrol, but mtren is pretty much common in powerlifting settings, as is mibolerone another outlier.

Oxys are the most controversial, everyone says its the death, but I found it well tolerated up to 150mg