anonymous 524708
New Member
I’m posting this from an anonymous account.
@Millard please move to the Underground and perhaps provide a link within the GenericAsia source thread or whatever you consider to be the best course of action. Thank you.

I received an order from GenericAsia in October which contained vials of oil. Unfortunately the packaging of the vials was very substandard. They were packaged in single bubble mailer bags with no way to contain leaks. One of the vials broke and leaked out of the bubble bag and caused a clearly visible oil stain on the outside of the shipping box. This would be sufficient cause for a postal inspector to open the box and search the contents inside. While it is reasonable to say that AAS users have a very low risk of being prosecuted this situation substantially increases the chances that someone will take a look and decide it is something worth pursuing.
I sent the photo to Marcus and let him know that the vial broke and that there were several other items missing to be shipped to me.
In his reply email Marcus said
I replied
Marcus replied:
Fortunately the next package arrived without a broken vial and visible leak, but the replacement vial was again only in a single bubble bag! If the vial had broken it could have stained the outside of this new shipping box. AGAIN. Needless to say I am unhappy with this situation and have emailed Marcus. It has been 2 days and I have not received an email reply from Marcus.
I am surprised that something this bad is still in place. The domestic suppliers I have ordered from have vacuum packed their vials and then put the vacuum pack into a bubble bag. It works perfectly to contain leaks. Even QSC puts their vials in plastic ziplock bags. It’s not as good as vacuum packing, but at least it is something.
Marcus, some questions for you:
- What steps have you taken to ensure that a leaked vial will not stain the shipper box?
- If you make any claims to having fixed the problem why should we believe you? This exact instance shows that nothing was done to fix the security issue even though I specifically requested it. Saying you are sorry isn’t really worth anything unless you work to fix the problem. How will you convince us that you have actually fixed the problem?
To each his own, but as of right now I do not consider GenericAsia to be a source I would use for oils, but only because of the security risk. I would encourage fellow Meso members to also voice their concerns and, if this security risk is enough to keep you from ordering from GenericAsia tell Marcus so that he knows that he needs to fix it ASAP.
Marcus, if you fix the oil leakage problem and demonstrate to Meso that you have it fixed I would then again consider you as a source to order oils from. I would say even as the top overseas oils source. You have so much going for you (oils quality, vials/stopper quality, customer service, price, etc) but until you get this fixed the security risk far outweighs all the other good things you are doing. At least for me.
All the extra testing is great and should land you more customers that will more than make up for the costs of testing, but this is a legitimate red flag that needs to be addressed. I want to be able to order from you, but this one red flag is enough to keep me away until I know the problem is fixed.
@Millard please move to the Underground and perhaps provide a link within the GenericAsia source thread or whatever you consider to be the best course of action. Thank you.

I received an order from GenericAsia in October which contained vials of oil. Unfortunately the packaging of the vials was very substandard. They were packaged in single bubble mailer bags with no way to contain leaks. One of the vials broke and leaked out of the bubble bag and caused a clearly visible oil stain on the outside of the shipping box. This would be sufficient cause for a postal inspector to open the box and search the contents inside. While it is reasonable to say that AAS users have a very low risk of being prosecuted this situation substantially increases the chances that someone will take a look and decide it is something worth pursuing.
I sent the photo to Marcus and let him know that the vial broke and that there were several other items missing to be shipped to me.
In his reply email Marcus said
“i have taken this up with our department”
I replied
“If your shipping department does not yet have new procedures in place for packing vials to eliminate leaks, please request double-bagging the Test-P just in case it breaks again.”
Marcus replied:
“no worries mate the tracking provided further up is your new shipment sorry for the inconvenience”
Fortunately the next package arrived without a broken vial and visible leak, but the replacement vial was again only in a single bubble bag! If the vial had broken it could have stained the outside of this new shipping box. AGAIN. Needless to say I am unhappy with this situation and have emailed Marcus. It has been 2 days and I have not received an email reply from Marcus.
I am surprised that something this bad is still in place. The domestic suppliers I have ordered from have vacuum packed their vials and then put the vacuum pack into a bubble bag. It works perfectly to contain leaks. Even QSC puts their vials in plastic ziplock bags. It’s not as good as vacuum packing, but at least it is something.
Marcus, some questions for you:
- What steps have you taken to ensure that a leaked vial will not stain the shipper box?
- If you make any claims to having fixed the problem why should we believe you? This exact instance shows that nothing was done to fix the security issue even though I specifically requested it. Saying you are sorry isn’t really worth anything unless you work to fix the problem. How will you convince us that you have actually fixed the problem?
To each his own, but as of right now I do not consider GenericAsia to be a source I would use for oils, but only because of the security risk. I would encourage fellow Meso members to also voice their concerns and, if this security risk is enough to keep you from ordering from GenericAsia tell Marcus so that he knows that he needs to fix it ASAP.
Marcus, if you fix the oil leakage problem and demonstrate to Meso that you have it fixed I would then again consider you as a source to order oils from. I would say even as the top overseas oils source. You have so much going for you (oils quality, vials/stopper quality, customer service, price, etc) but until you get this fixed the security risk far outweighs all the other good things you are doing. At least for me.
All the extra testing is great and should land you more customers that will more than make up for the costs of testing, but this is a legitimate red flag that needs to be addressed. I want to be able to order from you, but this one red flag is enough to keep me away until I know the problem is fixed.