Way to get T back naturally faster after TRT?


Hello gentlemen!

As some here know I am trying to become a dad in the near future if all goes well. Life has b*tchslapped me a few times so the reset has been hard.

A while ago I stopped everything and did a rather heavy 3 month PCT. Got the nuts back, but count was 0.
LH and FSH started to climb, T was way too low then and there.
Got depressed and went back on, ofc feeling great again.

Now I've been off again around 40 days with completed PCT as a 2nd attempt. Bloods and sp*rm test not yet done (later this week), I expect little. Nuts are still small this time.

However, I am loosing a ton of weight. 8kgs so far and no matter what I eat I seem to keep loosing weight. I feel fine mentally and energy, no libido but can atleast do something with a blue pill. Though would love to feel a little manlier to stay strong in the rest life offers atm.

Doc recommended me low dose HCG again, some are against that as I try to reset. I bought a few T-boosters, is there anything else that can help besides waiting? I expect this to be a 6-12 month process, but would love to not shrink in all aspects.
Hello gentlemen!

As some here know I am trying to become a dad in the near future if all goes well. Life has b*tchslapped me a few times so the reset has been hard.

A while ago I stopped everything and did a rather heavy 3 month PCT. Got the nuts back, but count was 0.
LH and FSH started to climb, T was way too low then and there.
Got depressed and went back on, ofc feeling great again.

Now I've been off again around 40 days with completed PCT as a 2nd attempt. Bloods and sp*rm test not yet done (later this week), I expect little. Nuts are still small this time.

However, I am loosing a ton of weight. 8kgs so far and no matter what I eat I seem to keep loosing weight. I feel fine mentally and energy, no libido but can atleast do something with a blue pill. Though would love to feel a little manlier to stay strong in the rest life offers atm.

Doc recommended me low dose HCG again, some are against that as I try to reset. I bought a few T-boosters, is there anything else that can help besides waiting? I expect this to be a 6-12 month process, but would love to not shrink in all aspects.
Blast the shit out of HGH to try and stave off muscle atrophy.

If you're not on enclomiphene, I would use that as it's superior to clomid as it does not contain zuclomiphene the estrogenic component to clomid. I would continue with enclomiphene despite "being finished with PCT" in order to boost FSH to get your body producing ramping up sperm production faster than if you just let it do it at it's own pace.

If you're going for a true restart attempt, do not use HCG at this point especially since you're off the sauce and deep into PCT already.

It took me 7 months off the sauce with enclomiphene to go from zero to 63 million per ml and get my wife pregnant after 10 years straight of B&C, no HCG, and tons of 19nors.

Prior to getting off, I tried to restore sperm by blasting HCG and HMG for several months without budging sperm count.

Good luck man...hang in there and you'll get 'er done.

I've got blood work hanging around somewhere, but if I recall, my test came back at 52 ng/dl 1.5 months off gear. Then it came back at 202 like 5 months off gear or so.

FSH came back around 2ish 1.5 months off gear, and then came back around 7ish I believe 5 months off gear. Knocked wife up basically 6.5 months after being off gear. Hopped back on gear, went to get sperm test 2 weeks later, 63 million per ml, over 300m sperm, with a TMSC of 150m something.

EDIT: Oh I see you're trying to restore T levels mostly. I would still opt for enclomiphene. It was bringing my LH up as well. I was just mainly focused on sperm cuz I knew I was getting right back on ASAP. I'm a lifer.
Nothing will stave off a return of your depression like sleepless nights, shitty diapers, and paying someone else's bills for a few decades.