What is your preferred way to buy and send bitcoin for purchasing your gear? What kind of accountability can we hold bad vendors to??


New Member
Bit of a long wind so bear with me.

What is your preferred way to buy and send bitcoin for purchasing your gear? What kind of accountability can we hold the vendors too on the Meso Rx forums if they don't deliver their products?

I placed my first order with what looks to be a reputable vendor who sponsors the underground forum. Mind you this is my first interaction with bitcoin period. Never looked up who sells it, what apps, never made an account, never bought nor sold bitcoin. Never sent bitcoin until a few weeks ago.

The hiccup is the vendor sent me an email twelve hours later asking if the funds were sent as he wasnt seeing them. They were and I have all the receipts. I copy and pasted his account address and sent the amount for the purchase. Theres a blockchain but did not see my amount on there. (No idea how that works).

In two emails I asked the vendor if he received the payment but never answered that specific question. The vendor did say I was good to go and things would be shipped ASAP. Because of the payment possibly not going through for whatever reason, I'm concerned the vendor might be blowing smoke up my butt. Saying he mailed it when he did not. But we'll see.

I know since this is the black market we cant just talk to the manager or give them a bad Google review. So is there any sort of repercussions for bad vendors on the Meso forums?

I used coinbase for my first time purchasing of and sending of bitcoin.

What say you?
Accountability takes the form of members who have trouble comment on it in the vendor's thread and they'll quickly be shunned. I realize it's disturbing to "throw money into a black hole", but if you're not seeing complaints from other members in that vendor's thread, the odds you're gong to be the first they choose to rip off are very small.
Accountability takes the form of members who have trouble comment on it in the vendor's thread and they'll quickly be shunned. I realize it's disturbing to "throw money into a black hole", but if you're not seeing complaints from other members in that vendor's thread, the odds you're gong to be the first they choose to rip off are very small.
If you don't mind me asking, have you ever had trouble sending bitcoin to an address? Or had someone say they never received payment?

If you don't mind me asking, have you ever had trouble sending bitcoin to an address? Or had someone say they never received payment?

No. Never. It's easily provable on the blockchain. To be clear, getting ripped off is not impossible, they could receive your money and disappear, die, whatever, however if it's a vendor here, they would be out of business quickly as soon as you reported it in their thread and showed proof.

The odds of you being the one person they rob before going out of business are extremely slim. Stick with high volume vendors if you're nervous. With many transactions a day any issues would quickly be apparent in the thread and you could avoid making an order. That said, I've never seen that happen here.