What signs to look for to know you are recovering on PCT.


New Member
So when I start my PCT, what signs should I look for to know that my body is making a good recovery? Is there a chance I could be fully recovered 2 or 3 weeks into PCT?

I'm currently running a 12 week cycle of TEST PROP only. NO other compounds were used during this cycle. Dosage has been a total of 525 mg per week which is very mild. I am currently 38 years of age.

I will do blood work at the end of my PCT. But I just want to know how I should feel if my body is recovering nicely.
Exactly how you did before you started. Just keep an eye out for symptoms of low T and get bloodwork done and you'll know for sure if you've recovered well.
Exactly how you did before you started. Just keep an eye out for symptoms of low T and get bloodwork done and you'll know for sure if you've recovered well.

So If my motivation to continue to hit the gym is good and I am having sex, then those are pretty much good signs that tell me I am recovering nicely. Along with how my performance is in the gym. If its good, then I'm good to go.
So If my motivation to continue to hit the gym is good and I am having sex, then those are pretty much good signs that tell me I am recovering nicely. Along with how my performance is in the gym. If its good, then I'm good to go.
Exactly, be strong mentally because you can't go in expecting the same gains and massive pumps as you had on cycle so just have in your head that this is how things are supposed to be and don't get down on yourself.
Exactly, be strong mentally because you can't go in expecting the same gains and massive pumps as you had on cycle so just have in your head that this is how things are supposed to be and don't get down on yourself.

I will focus on keeping my diet as good as it can be and working hard. Thank you for the advice.