What's Best HCG and Anastrazole Protocol?


New Member
Hey, what's up guys, sorry this might be a little bit long! Just FYI, I'm not new to using juice, I've just never used HCG on cycle, or Anastrazole before, because I haven't done any juice in like 5 yrs, and I used tamoxifen! I got my gear, other ancillary drugs, and everything needed for my cycle. I'm gonna run test/deca/primo with Sermorelin for about 3 months, and I'm gonna use Anastrazole and HCG on cycle and for PCT including Clomid. I've read many different dosages and protocols for HCG and even Anastrazole. I read on Dr. Conner's site that HCG should be taken at 500iu 3x/week for first week of each month, then 3 weeks off for duration of cycle, not including PCT. But I've heard many other protocols from so called reliable sources, and I just don't know who's advice to follow. Can someone please help me with good advice. I've also heard different dosages for the Anastrazole, so I could use some dosing advice for that as well. So far I've heard.5mg eod, or .5mg every 3 days, and even 1mg per week! So, I need some reliable information regarding HCG protocol and Anastrazole dosage please! Btw, any comments on my choice of gear? Test prop 100mg eod, deca 300mg ew, primo 400mg ew, and Sermorelin. Ok, any help appreciated! Thks.
Use only clomid and nolvadex for pct.
Something like
Clomid 75/50/25/25
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20.

Don't use hcg through out pct but you can blast it before hand. I personally run 500iu 2x a week and that takes care of testicular atrophy.

AI dose is dependent on the individual and bloodwork is the only sure way to know if you need to raise or lower your dose.
I'd also have some caber on hand if you happen to experience sides from deca.
Been on TRT and blasting for 1.5yrs and have seen no atrophy with 500iu/week HCG split between 2 doses.

For Adex for me according to bloods I need 1mg per about 150mg of Test E to keep within the range where I am happy with. It is entirely individual specific with your Anti E drugs
Been on TRT and blasting for 1.5yrs and have seen no atrophy with 500iu/week HCG split between 2 doses.

For Adex for me according to bloods I need 1mg per about 150mg of Test E to keep within the range where I am happy with. It is entirely individual specific with your Anti E drugs

Out of curiosity is that 1mg weekly for 150mg test e---- split Ed/eod?
Well for me, 19nor compounds (tren+deca) absolutely DESTROY ME. I would personally run HCG 500 per week throughout the cycle and drop it before pct.

Idk if you have ran deca before but if I was you I would 100% get prami or dostinex to protect your dick.

If you aren't blasting a cruising recovering from deca can be hell... it can take you months like 2,3,4+ before your dick can even get hard if you are sensitive to nandrolone. HCG during cycle, AI's and a dopamine antagonist will be your best friend!!

I would personally run .25 a'dex every other day and gage it from there. Don't be one of those plebs who waits until they are bloated7, covered in achne, and their penis as dull as a jelly fish before you start taking your ai!!

Good luck my brother!