What's your experience on PCT moodwise?


New Member
Hey fellas,

My first cycle is coming to an ending in 3 weeks. Been on 500 mg sustanon pr. week for 12 weeks at that time.

My PCT is Nolva and Clomid. I've read that some people gets into an emotional rollercoaster on PCT with Clomid. To be honest I haven't noticed any wild emotional changes or mental effects of being on 500 mg sust. And I had bloodwork done, so my gear is legit.

But how bad is PCT moodwise? I'm asking because I will maybe go on a holiday with some friends, when my PCT begins. But if I turn into a nerve wreck or turn very emotional, I'd prefer to stay at home, I think.

So I wanted to hear some experiences with PCT on this matter?

I have a tendency to have my outburst of emotion while on clomid. Its not something common and its rather an episode or two for me. Rather just when it happens you realize like what did I just do? I was just acting like a total little bitch.
Hey fellas,

My first cycle is coming to an ending in 3 weeks. Been on 500 mg sustanon pr. week for 12 weeks at that time.

My PCT is Nolva and Clomid. I've read that some people gets into an emotional rollercoaster on PCT with Clomid. To be honest I haven't noticed any wild emotional changes or mental effects of being on 500 mg sust. And I had bloodwork done, so my gear is legit.

But how bad is PCT moodwise? I'm asking because I will maybe go on a holiday with some friends, when my PCT begins. But if I turn into a nerve wreck or turn very emotional, I'd prefer to stay at home, I think.

So I wanted to hear some experiences with PCT on this matter?


No one I know enjoys pct. No more superman.
Everybody is different man. Clomid doesn really do much to change my emotions or mood, but nolva on the other hand will have me close to tears if I watch or read anything sad. You won't know how you'll react until you go through pct.

And big Paul is right nobody enjoys pct.
Guess I just have to wait and see, thanks for the replies guys! But I'm wondering how big difference mental will be, as I allready said, I don't notice a big difference now that I'm on. Just crazy strength gains which ofc makes one feel good!

Anyways I'm really heavy considering post poning the PCT one month anyway, as I'm really getting the strenght from the test right now! And have enough sust for another month.

Stupid or good idea?
Sign me up to skip pct and go straight to the next cycle

I like that idea brother. actually I did It's called pct. Had to go off in January though, and it was a nightmare after 7 years of trt,
We are now in may and I have just started to notice improvement.
hcg and clomid. So it can be done, it just takes time. I'm preparing for trt again soon.
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I've played around with Toremifine the last two cycles and I love it. I felt like I bounced back a lot quicker than I did with Nolva and had no really noticeable mood swings like I do with Clomid. All in all it made my last PCT one of my easiest.
I remember my first cycle, just test with a dbol kickstart, and I took HCG throughout. My PCT was toremifene and exemestane, it was a breeze, I was really surpriced since I heard everyone talk about how bad it could be. However, then my next cycle, test and tren, I took nolva at a low dose throughout (realized from the first cycle I'm prone to gyno), and hcg throughout, and for my PCT bumped the nolva up high along with exemestane and MAN, the first few days I was straight up suicidal, I don't know if it was being more shut down from the tren or from the high nolva dosage but I felt like complete garbage mentally, only thing that kept me going was knowing it was just my PCT. Had to get off the nolva, switched to clomid instead and I felt a lot better., but I don't know if it was the switch or just getting passed the initial hump that made me feel better.
I like that idea brother. actually I did It's called pct. Had to go off in January though, and it was a nightmare after 7 years of trt,
We are now in may and I have just started to notice improvement.
hcg and clomid. So it can be done, it just takes time. I'm preparing for trt again soon.

Yup hcg and clomid work wonders
A little trick to avoid the emotional crash, come off cycle using primo. Hit 200-300mg per wk for 3-4 wk post cycle, with hcg and nolva