When do you take your AI?


Do you take your AI at the same time as you take your test, a day before or a day or so after (specifically Armidex). I am interested in hearing everyone's regimen.
Probably good practice to take it if you start getting nipple sensitivity

I take mine on the days I do my test injections because I have some pre existing gyno, and am estrogen sensitive. If you're not used to how you respond to estrogen though I wouldn't reccomend just blindly take it on a pre determined schedule, which is why I'd reccomend the point above.

It also depends on the dose. On trt some people don't need an AI, some need it once a week. On higher doses, you might need it once a week, you might need it twice a week. Everyone responds differently. You need to figure out what works for you

Bloodwork is a good way to get it locked in and see how you respond. Once you've been doing it long enough you'll just know how you respond and how to balance it
Same day as test shot, twice a week on Monday and then either Thursday or Friday.

Do NOT take it day one, if you need it wait til your test has built up or your gonna have a bad time, minimum 6wks then do bloodwork to find out how you handle estrogen..
Probably good practice to take it if you start getting nipple sensitivity

I take mine on the days I do my test injections because I have some pre existing gyno, and am estrogen sensitive. If you're not used to how you respond to estrogen though I wouldn't reccomend just blindly take it on a pre determined schedule, which is why I'd reccomend the point above.

It also depends on the dose. On trt some people don't need an AI, some need it once a week. On higher doses, you might need it once a week, you might need it twice a week. Everyone responds differently. You need to figure out what works for you

Bloodwork is a good way to get it locked in and see how you respond. Once you've been doing it long enough you'll just know how you respond and how to balance it

Which do you use? What's your dosage? Just curious as I suspect minor gyno despite no nip sensitivity or the tear jerking when the sad parts of the song play like in past bouts of high e2.
Which do you use? What's your dosage? Just curious as I suspect minor gyno despite no nip sensitivity or the tear jerking when the sad parts of the song play like in past bouts of high e2.
I do 12.5mg aromasin 2x a week with my injections

Do you have lumps under your nipples?
It's weird, they're slightly to the inward side of my chest, not centered under the nips. Both sides. Slightly sore if I touch them.
Are you running any 19 nors or just aromatisizing compounds?

Nolva+ an AI like letrozole sounds to be what you need to get rid of it, if it's estrogen induced gyno. Then once it's gone drop both, and go back to a milder AI like aromasin/arimidex. If you wait too long and it turns into a gland surgery is the only option to completely get rid of it