When to add in T3 into test cycle?


New Member
Hey just wanted to get some opinions on this. I'm currently running Test Cyp for 12 weeks @ 500mg a week and am planning on throwing in Clen/T3. I've run Clen solo no problems, however I have no experience with T3 so I am being very careful, making sure to slowly ramp up and down, and will probably peak in the 75-100mg range depending on how it goes.

My question is when can I safely introduce T3 into the cycle? I know Cyp takes a while to show effects, but does that mean that my blood test levels are already high enough to combat muscle loss from the T3? I am only on week 1, have done 2 injections thus far (Mon & Thurs). If it takes 3-4 weeks for cyp to become "noticable" does that mean I should wait until then to throw in T3? Or are my blood testosterone levels already high enough to help preserve muscle mass?

Thanks alot!
Hey just wanted to get some opinions on this. I'm currently running Test Cyp for 12 weeks @ 500mg a week and am planning on throwing in Clen/T3. I've run Clen solo no problems, however I have no experience with T3 so I am being very careful, making sure to slowly ramp up and down, and will probably peak in the 75-100mg range depending on how it goes.

My question is when can I safely introduce T3 into the cycle? I know Cyp takes a while to show effects, but does that mean that my blood test levels are already high enough to combat muscle loss from the T3? I am only on week 1, have done 2 injections thus far (Mon & Thurs). If it takes 3-4 weeks for cyp to become "noticable" does that mean I should wait until then to throw in T3? Or are my blood testosterone levels already high enough to help preserve muscle mass?

Thanks alot!

Just wait until week 3 or 4. Personally I'd save the Clen/T3 and run it with a shorter "cutting cycle." Like a 6-8 week Test Prop/Anavar/Tren cycle....but that's just me.

Long estered Test's (like Cyp) make me hold so much water that Clen/T3 is almost not worth the liver strain.....just my opinion though.