When to use Proviron


If you read about proviron it seems to be very effective and would be great to use almost all the time. But when is a good time to use it ? During a cycle , after, on cruise ? By reading it seems to have about everything, but no one talks about it as a AI or PCT. When is the best time to use it ? Also with Ameridex, will these two go good together to bock estrogen and to raise natural test ?
If you read about proviron it seems to be very effective and would be great to use almost all the time. But when is a good time to use it ? During a cycle , after, on cruise ? By reading it seems to have about everything, but no one talks about it as a AI or PCT. When is the best time to use it ? Also with Ameridex, will these two go good together to bock estrogen and to raise natural test ?

While I agree with Doc on not using it for AI or PCT, I do use it for a sex enhancement. Many of us have run it for years with cycles for this reason. For me it works very well, however, I'm sure I'm a lot older than you and have different reasons for using it. Many view it as a very limited and worthless drug..
I am on TRT of 100mg a week, but been off for 8 months and sure do feel it, and so does my wife, but going to bump it up and go on a small cycle with some winny. Test at 250 mg week and 10mg a day of winny. I have dex should I need anything else. Reason why im on trt, was stupid and never did pct. I pretty sensitive to this stuff so dont need a large dose at first. But what about that part about 5 weeks in and the sex drive starts dropping. But I never done pct so with pct will the sex drive stay good ? Looking to keep as much as I can of my gains. So I want to do it right.