Who is bald/balding in their 20s

Roco Bama

When did you start balding ?
Does it bother you the fact that you’re bald in your 20s ?
How often do you shave ?
If your balding just accept it and shave, eod ;)

You look/seem more confident/attractive if you just get rid of it. When you try and keep it and it's obvious your balding you look like a whimpy little fairy that's afraid to move out of mommy and daddy's house
I started losing hair at the age of 21 and AAS accelerated my hair loss although I stayed away from tren and DHTs
I had long hair when I was young and it started thinning when I was about 21. Cut it short for a year, then started buzzing it with the clippers. I just keep it short now, cut it generally every week.

Basically from the forehead to the top (maybe a bit past? Lol) I got the chrome dome going on.
Started losing my hairs at 12, i didn't accept It 'till my 20, when i started trimming them and nowdays i shave my had twice per week (a friend of mine offered to make a temporary tattoo on my head, at least now i look like a guy in his Middle 20s and not a creepy 40 yo)
Started losing my hairs at 12, i didn't accept It 'till my 20, when i started trimming them and nowdays i shave my had twice per week (a friend of mine offered to make a temporary tattoo on my head, at least now i look like a guy in his Middle 20s and not a creepy 40 yo)
You started losing hair at 12. Jeez. What sort of tattoos did you get on your scalp ?
Best part about rocking the bald is no need to worry about hair in the morning or after workout! My wife says she is jealous and threatens to shave her head too, but then I threaten divorce, lol...
Started thinning in 20s - bald by 30. I clipper now with no guard.

Nice and easy. Can do it at home. Fast post shower/lift. Payback on high end commercial clippers is a few months.

What I miss... sun protection (damn you need hats and sunscreen), warmth in winter, sweat pours down me. Sometimes I wish I still had it but this is like 5-10 seconds once or twice a year.

Overall, I'd have been keeping it shorter and self clipping even if I still had hair.
Started thinning in 20s - bald by 30. I clipper now with no guard.

Nice and easy. Can do it at home. Fast post shower/lift. Payback on high end commercial clippers is a few months.

What I miss... sun protection (damn you need hats and sunscreen), warmth in winter, sweat pours down me. Sometimes I wish I still had it but this is like 5-10 seconds once or twice a year.

Overall, I'd have been keeping it shorter and self clipping even if I still had hair.
is there a reason you don't shave with a razor. does it take more time or is it just more expensive ?
I started thinning out a couple of years ago. Coincidentally it was the time of my first AAS cycle. Seems like every cycle I've done it just gets worse. Lol. So far I have a decently noticeable receding of my hair line and pretty noticeable thinning on top. I never notice it until i see deadlift videos of myself and when I'm bent over my hair is so think it looks like I'm completely bald. Lol.

Does any of this bother me? Not even the slightest bit. Even when i had extremely thick hair i never paid much attention to it and always had it buzzed once a month. So going bald now i just need to buzz it a little more often.
I started thinning out a couple of years ago. Coincidentally it was the time of my first AAS cycle. Seems like every cycle I've done it just gets worse. Lol. So far I have a decently noticeable receding of my hair line and pretty noticeable thinning on top. I never notice it until i see deadlift videos of myself and when I'm bent over my hair is so think it looks like I'm completely bald. Lol.

Does any of this bother me? Not even the slightest bit. Even when i had extremely thick hair i never paid much attention to it and always had it buzzed once a month. So going bald now i just need to buzz it a little more often.
you can minimize hair loss by staying away from mast, tren, and winstrol just so you know
I started loosing it at about 22. I was natty till 24. I would have been bald even if I never touched AAS, exactly like my father. I often wonder about being told that bald guys have a lot of natural DHT. I have always responded well to DHT compounds and wonder if that has anything to fo with it? 50 mg winstrol day with low dose test “250mg” week made me feel like a king when i was younger.
I started loosing it at about 22. I was natty till 24. I would have been bald even if I never touched AAS, exactly like my father. I often wonder about being told that bald guys have a lot of natural DHT. I have always responded well to DHT compounds and wonder if that has anything to fo with it? 50 mg winstrol day with low dose test “250mg” week made me feel like a king when i was younger.
whats your age now and how often do you shave ?