I pinned the glute with 75mg test no est and 75mg tren no est and 25 anadrol and 50 dbol blend. With 1.5cc pushing in, i had to stop halfway due to a burning uncomfortable sensation. Immediately after i took the pin out, I tasted an overwhelming taste of how it smells, like a dentist office and mexican sewer rat piss. Then my throat tightened and i was short breathing and trying to stay standing and not pass out from the light headedness.
So my ass felt like an ewok spear went through it and then was lit on fire and I thought i was having a heart attack.
All was well in about 15mins but is that what happens when u hit a vein? I didn’t think you could hit an ass vein with a 1” pin. Artery maybe? I don’t know. Anyone else had this? Thanks!
So my ass felt like an ewok spear went through it and then was lit on fire and I thought i was having a heart attack.
All was well in about 15mins but is that what happens when u hit a vein? I didn’t think you could hit an ass vein with a 1” pin. Artery maybe? I don’t know. Anyone else had this? Thanks!