Winstrol pip


I got some cheap asian stanozolol in oil. It smells really weird. It’s also a yellow tint. The oil isn’t that viscous as that of a test and pulls into a slin pin very easily .
What I’m experiencing is intolerable pip for 3 days after each daily pin of 25mg and warmth at injection site.
Im rotating spots and my whole body hurts since I added this to my TRT. I’ve done winstrol depot in the past and this is way more painful . Im just gonna stop using it . Not worth it to me . Gonna switch to either oral winny or anavar. Any advice / experiences with the asian brew?
why, of all things, would you add injectable winstrol to your TRT?
Not relevant to any of my questions , but I’ll entertain you bro.
Just looking to get a better look at the beach . Not looking to be the next Mr Olympia . Just want some hardness
Not relevant to any of my questions , but I’ll entertain you bro.
Just looking to get a better look at the beach . Not looking to be the next Mr Olympia . Just want some hardness
and you thought injectable winny was the play there?
toss that shit in the trash man.
Just quit that toxic shit. Not that I'm against winstrol itself, but if it is as you say smelly and weird and gives you bad pip, then it's a sign to stop. Besides your goals can be achieved without it.
Just quit that toxic shit. Not that I'm against winstrol itself, but if it is as you say smelly and weird and gives you bad pip, then it's a sign to stop. Besides your goals can be achieved without it.
Yeah def done with it . Like I said in the past I’ve used the ampules of winstrol depot that worked great for what I was trying to accomplish , but somehow I thought “winstrol is winstrol” and bought this cheap Chinese stuff. It’s just garbage and not worth the pain at all. Can’t even workout because I’m in pain every day.
Yeah def done with it . Like I said in the past I’ve used the ampules of winstrol depot that worked great for what I was trying to accomplish , but somehow I thought “winstrol is winstrol” and bought this cheap Chinese stuff. It’s just garbage and not worth the pain at all. Can’t even workout because I’m in pain every day.
You did the right thing. Shit happens and sometimes you can't do anything about it to prevent it. It's a black market after all with no quality control. Even good or decent labs screw up sometimes. Move on.
Injectable winstrol would be like, one of my last choices to add into TRT to harden up for the summer.

Take some var if you're that desperate and just doing it for ego/aesthetics.
I have the same product as you do and I have no pip at all. I’ve always liked winstrol and don’t suffer from the issues everyone says it gives. My blood work is great. Anavar is just ok for me. I’ve never really felt it did much for i just gave it all to my wife.