Women Blood Work..Is it required?

Flaming Dragon

Well-known Member
Hi ladies,

I know us men who used AAS responsibly will include bloodwork as part of our cycle. My questions-- does that apply to women? If so, what kind of test should they do or look for? I've checked couple of the ladies thread and nowhere did anyone mention bloodwork- just wanted to figure things out for my wife and if she can handle a cycle (var only).

Hi ladies,

I know us men who used AAS responsibly will include bloodwork as part of our cycle. My questions-- does that apply to women? If so, what kind of test should they do or look for? I've checked couple of the ladies thread and nowhere did anyone mention bloodwork- just wanted to figure things out for my wife and if she can handle a cycle (var only).


I personally think that it is good to know where her levels are naturally before she starts anything. Full female panel including her thyroid. As for using them to gauge her cycles, I don't see a point in it. The only time I use bloodwork is actually after months of being off after a long cycle to ensure all is back to normal. But I do not use them during cycles. I guess I could say, I do them once a year but my doc is also fully aware of my "hormone adjustments" and only really asks me to go do them during my off time right before I plan on getting back on.

I don't see why she couldn't handle var if all other basics are in place and a routine (diet and training) I would start low and monitor any sides - good and bad then adjust from there. Anything undesirable happens, then back off the dose or stop it all. Just ensure she is keeping an eye on things and she should be fine.
I personally think that it is good to know where her levels are naturally before she starts anything. Full female panel including her thyroid. As for using them to gauge her cycles, I don't see a point in it. The only time I use bloodwork is actually after months of being off after a long cycle to ensure all is back to normal. But I do not use them during cycles. I guess I could say, I do them once a year but my doc is also fully aware of my "hormone adjustments" and only really asks me to go do them during my off time right before I plan on getting back on.

I don't see why she couldn't handle var if all other basics are in place and a routine (diet and training) I would start low and monitor any sides - good and bad then adjust from there. Anything undesirable happens, then back off the dose or stop it all. Just ensure she is keeping an eye on things and she should be fine.

Perfect!! Thanks!
I was wondering the same thing.Wife is taking var that may not be pure,tests look possibly another compound mixed in. She is already using t pellets.having a few minor sides,seems like a blood test could be helpfull. Does a standard female hormone panel include thyroid and prolactin ?