Yellow Sustanon

Has anyone experienced brewing sustanon and it turned out looking like tren lol? I haven’t experienced this in the past and wonder if this is a 1 off or perhaps something different with the processing of the raws. I can’t remember who i sourced it through so i don’t have a lot of background info on the raws.
I've had this. Raws didn't act normal either. Even in freezer temps, was like a thick honey.
Sent for testing and came back good....
I've had this. Raws didn't act normal either. Even in freezer temps, was like a thick honey.
Sent for testing and came back good....
Yes!! Exactly the same thing! I thought it was a bad batch. It even seemed like there was more pip with this batch which led me to believe that perhaps there was more prop then other compounds. Not sure what caused it to behave this way
Seen TestE turn yellow from a few ugl labs. 13 months ago a lot of bad powder coming out of China. Making people very sick.