zzzNm’s New Member Introduction


New Member
Hey guys, I’m zzzNm.

Longtime lurker here but never really pulled the trigger with joining the forums since I wasn’t seeking any information regarding myself specifically. I go back and forth from the US and Canada quite a bit, dual citizenship allows me to take advantage of enjoying new scenery every few years. Here’s a little info about me, incase anyone’s interested.

I’ve always been an athlete and strived to maintain my athletic abilities, however never really desired to start pushing my boundaries until recently in regards to weight training and my physical fitness. The last few months I’ve spent quality time feeding my body better foods and macronutrients, as well as gaining better mobility and joint strength to avoid any injuries with weight lifting as much as possible. My love for sports and athletics run really deep and I’m maybe the most competitive individual that I know, personality wise. It has its pros and cons for sure. I recently tested my hormone levels through my GP and my test levels came back low-normal, with a high normal E2. All lipids were normal, as well as cholesterol and vitamin requirements. A lot of members of my family experienced late puberties and after letting my doctor know about my family history we’re going to be keeping an eye on my bloods to decide if doing a replacement therapy would be beneficial. Here are stats for those who care about that stuff, I got into this for a better quality of life. Being a mass monster/shredded gazelle isn’t something i really care about at all. Self progress, quality living, and having good well being with confidence in my body is what conducts this train.

Age: 21 yo/Male
Height: 5’6 :(
Weight: 167.4 lbs
BF%: Not even gonna try to guess, can see some definition in the top abdomen but still not lean by any means.

Thanks for taking the time to hear/read my introduction here. More to come I’m sure.
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Welcome to meso, bud.

Shredded like a gazelle is a new one or at least one that I haven't heard. The more reading the better, as you probably know if you have been lurking.
Welcome to meso, bud.

Shredded like a gazelle is a new one or at least one that I haven't heard. The more reading the better, as you probably know if you have been lurking.
Thanks, man. Appreciate it! Seems like a decent set of fellas for the most part. Nice to be around a community of people all pushing towards their own feats while spreading positivity and information around. Nice to meet you, bro