Percy Crawford interviewed Christopher Bell, director of the steroid documentary “Bigger Stronger Faster”, in a good piece appearing on Fight Hype. Chris Bell criticizes the hypocrisy and dishonesty of bodybuilding supplement companies like Muscletech in their approach to anabolic steroids (“Christopher Bell: What’s Really the Big Deal About Steroids?,” May 12). I talked to a fitness […]
anabolic steroids
Proposal for Major Steroid League Baseball
Mike Markson has an interesting proposal for confronting the problem of anabolic steroids (and performance enhancing drugs) in baseball – “let them cheat.” His steroid comments were included in suggestions to make baseball more exciting. I started thinking, if I was to come up with a baseball variant to try and take on MLB, what […]
PBS Documentary East German Doping Scandal
Secrets of the Dead, the PBS documentary series that has explored topics such as ritual cannibalism, Salem witchcraft trials, Auschwitz death factories and Aztec massacres, has turned its attention to an episode exploring the East German steroid doping scandal. The steroid documentary “Doping for Gold” by Alison Rooper premieres on PBS on Wednesday, May 7, […]
Bigger Stronger Faster Movie Trailer
The movie trailer for the documentary “Bigger Stronger Faster” from director Christopher Bell has finally been released. The trailer is pretty good; I appreciate the challenges of trying to encapsulate such a thought-provoking steroid documentary within a three-minute promotional trailer. I was disappointed to see Gregg Valentino at the beginning of the trailer conveying the […]
Anti-Aging Expert James Abernathy Linked to Federal Steroid Investigation
The federal steroid investigation involving Applied Pharmacy Services has been linked to self-proclaimed anti-aging expert James Abernathy. Physician Pamela Pyle, of Personal Touch Aesthetic Laser and Skin Rejuvenation Center in Myrtle Beach, pleaded guilty to withholding information about illegal steroid distribution. She admitted to writing prescriptions for James Abernathy, owner and director of Body Solutions […]
DEA Identifies 22 Dietary Supplements Containing Anabolic Steroids
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) identified 22 dietary supplements containing anabolic steroids that are marketed and sold on the Internet in proposed rules published last week in the Federal Register. According to the DEA, the following three steroids meet the criteria for “anabolic steroids” under the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 (“Classification of Three Steroids as […]
Sentencing in David Jacobs Steroid Distribution Ring in Texas
Three of the seven co-defendants indicted for their role in David Jacobs’ Texas-based steroid distribution network were sentenced today including David Jacobs. All seven co-conspirators have already pleaded guilty. David Jacobs, Amber Jarrell and Matt Williams all received probation along with a monetary fine based on their respective role in the steroid operation (“Plano steroids supplier wants […]
Three Doctors Plead Guilty in Applied Pharmacy Services Steroid Conspiracy
Three more doctors, Kenneth Olds, Kelly Tucker and Pamela Pyle, pleaded guilty in a steroid conspiracy involving the compounding pharmacy Applied Pharmacy Services (APS) (“3 more docs admit guilt in steroids case,” April 30). Drs. Kenneth M. Olds and Kelly W. Tucker of Greeley, Colo., agreed to plead guilty in Mobile to dispensing anabolic steroids outside […]
How Athletes Can Exploit the Testosterone Loophole Explained in New Study
The New York Times highlights the “testosterone loophole” in anti-doping tests reporting on a recent study that finally explains the phenomena that allows some athletes to get away with indiscriminate use of exogenous testosterone. This is the same study that has been discussed in the blogosphere for over a month on various doping and steroid-related […]
Steroids Blamed for Murder When Steroid Use Was Not Involved
When Robert Sepe brutally murdered his girlfriend with a baseball bat, the media immediately speculated that anabolic steroids caused him to do it. The apparent reasoning was that the crime was so horrific that only an anabolic steroid user with roid rage would be capable of such violence. The “brutality of the crime” coupled with […]