A considerable chunk of my work day is always spent answering people’s questions about prohormones and steroids. Of course, one of the biggest concerns people have is about estrogen and estrogen related side effects. Right behind that however are questions about DHT. It seems that people have the misconception that DHT is some evil androgen […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
Testosterone for Women: Waiting for the Female Aphrodisiac
In December 2004 a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs refused to recommend Procter & Gamble’s Intrinsa testosterone patch for female sexual dysfunction (FSD) in surgically menopausal women whose ovaries had been removed. The FDA panel found that administering testosterone to these patients would produce an average of one […]
Cognitive and Competitive Aspects of Testosterone
Evidence in animals (1) and Alzheimer’s patients (2) suggests that androgens possess cognitive enhancing properties. However, very few studies have investigated the role of testosterone on cognition in healthy individuals. The difficulty in assessing these effects is probably rooted in the idea that testosterone is a “social hormone,” influencing behavior only when status is challenged […]
Anabolic Steroids and Suicide – A Brief Review of the Evidence
Discussions of the potential role of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) in suicide surfaced recently when AAS and their use among professional athletes were blamed for several suicides of young adult males. These allegations inspired a congressional investigation and renewed anti-steroid rhetoric, but little dispassionate evaluation. The testimony of experts and grieving parents notwithstanding, the role of […]
Philip Sweitzer’s Reaction to Congressional Hearings on Steroids in Baseball
An Open Letter to the Members of the House Committee on Government Reform, and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, on the Recent Hearings and Legislation relating to the use of Anabolic Steroids in Sports Dear Senators Stevens, McCain, Burns, Lott, Hutchison, Snowe, Smith, Ensign, Allen, Sununu, DeMint, Vitter, Inouye, Rockefeller, Kerry, Dorgan, […]
Ephedra – Interpreting the New Ruling
On April 13, 2005, a federal court in Salt Lake City [U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, Central Division] issued its decision on a legal challenge to FDA’s 2004 Final Rule banning all ephedrine-alkaloid dietary supplements. Judge Tena Campbell’s decision made two key points: It held that the analysis used by FDA was […]
Dopers in Uniform: Cops on Steroids
As the U.S. Congress prepares to renew its assault on anabolic steroid use among professional athletes at a hearing scheduled for May 18, longtime observers of doping control initiatives will recognize the selective indignation that continues to sensationalize the use of these drugs by athletes. The fact that certain groups of steroid consumers have been […]
White Hat, Black Hat: The Semantics of Steroids
Drugs are bad. Seriously. Drugs are bad. Three words, not far off from “just say no” in the pantheon of drug education in America that, you will see, summarize steroid policy. As Congress has looked into the problem of performance-enhancing drugs in professional sports over the last three months, they have looked no deeper than […]
Legal Steroids from Online Longevity Clinics – Too Good to Be True?
The socio-political environment for the non-medical use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) has rarely been worse. Every day, there are “anti-steroid” news reports in local and national papers and newsmagazines. The number of customs seizures of imported pharmaceuticals has increased dramatically. The Patriot Act is being used to obtain access to AAS dealers private email accounts. […]
Just Say “Yes” to Steroids
I admit to being uncompromising about some things. My enemies use the unflattering term “extremist” to describe me. I may be a million miles off the mark but I am positive of one thing: that only by giving every viewpoint a fair hearing in the open marketplace of ideas can we ever arrive at the […]