Interesting Observation Of Trenbolone In Different Oils Over Time

B Ware

Member Supporter
The one on the left is actually a year older and is in grape seed oil while the one on the right was made with mct oil. These are stored in a essential oil case in a dark place at room temp.

The one on the left in gso looks the same as the day I received it while obviously the one on the right in mct hasn’t faired well. The one in mct was crystal clear when I received it.

Thoughts… being as the mct is a thinner oil it didn’t take much temp for it to cook itself a little over time? Maybe it would have faired better if refrigerated? Wonder if it would still test the same as it did when it was brewed or if we are seeing degradation? Should I still use it or toss? (Just rambling thoughts of a mad man)

Anywho, just thought I’d share.



I have 2 vials of tren from trip and definitely lost some color and getting darker like the one in MCT. Is not as bad as that yet but I suppose it will reach that color after a year
Idk what the results of testing would reveal but I have never been let down with that copper colored nectar. I’ve had freshly brewed stuff that was very light colored and still potent, also. My point is they both look delicious and probably both test well.
I’m told this is common for tren in mct and that one should refrigerate to preserve it from darkening. This was told to me by a UGl anyway.

From past experiences it makes my throat close up and makes me want to cough just from looking at it.

Still undetermined what I’ll do with it.
Interesting observation. I guess I do not know how long it lasts, cause my production is for personal use and I just brew what I am going to use immediately.

Just cooked Tren ace, Bold and Mast E with MCT.
There is a slight difference in the fact that the trenbolone gets darker faster on with the mct in the cooking process, therefore I like using even less heat and less time...and it already starts getting orange/red...

My trenbolones are usually light yellow, almost transparent.

This color was only like 5 minutes on heat...With normal GSO, for me, would take twice that time to get to this color. So, in that regard, there is definitely a difference.
I’m told this is common for tren in mct and that one should refrigerate to preserve it from darkening. This was told to me by a UGl anyway.

From past experiences it makes my throat close up and makes me want to cough just from looking at it.

Still undetermined what I’ll do with it.
Use it! ;)

