Dirts Brew log

Ok so i did a 1ml shot of the holy holeel made with the miglyol 840... I did it in the delt which is my most sensitive spot... it was smooth and no burn with the lowered ba.. and today over 24 hrs later zero pip.. I mean i feel that if I had to I could hit the aame spot right now.. I thought away all the other holy hell i had made and most all the other tne i had made... made a decent batch of tne 100mg/ ml same way as the new holy hell. I will probly plug a little wake up shot first thing ... gonna do labs hopefully I can see if my crp we be elevated.. not sure I've did enough mig yet but it's scheduled were gonna see!
How much thinner is it than regular MCT?
How much thinner is it than regular MCT?
I really couldn't tell you, but i can say that i did a 1ml shot of the TNE 100mg/ml in the quad yesterday then worked these legs like a deranged animal, The initial shot was very smooth and even after working the quad hard i have no limp this morning. I have been able to lower the solvent level for my TNE tremendously with a combination of a couple things, 1. being a little higher on the BA and the other the use of this miglyol. Its preyy cool where im at and ive have a peice of a vial in the window seal for a couple of nights with no crash on the tne.. Who's not to say that it wont crash at some point but has not yet. Honestly I really like TNE but was about to give up on it cause i was just tired of having some sort of PIP somewhere all the time.. This is very hopeful..
I really couldn't tell you, but i can say that i did a 1ml shot of the TNE 100mg/ml in the quad yesterday then worked these legs like a deranged animal, The initial shot was very smooth and even after working the quad hard i have no limp this morning. I have been able to lower the solvent level for my TNE tremendously with a combination of a couple things, 1. being a little higher on the BA and the other the use of this miglyol. Its preyy cool where im at and ive have a peice of a vial in the window seal for a couple of nights with no crash on the tne.. Who's not to say that it wont crash at some point but has not yet. Honestly I really like TNE but was about to give up on it cause i was just tired of having some sort of PIP somewhere all the time.. This is very hopeful..
you owe me 1gallon of mig840... ahahahaah :D
Yes it is sunday... my only day off.. of course i shall break out the lab and make some bold U 500mg/ml
i did a small amount last week and looks like it is doing well.. Will also be doing a some tne a couple different ways today..
Bold u 500
How much bb%/ba% if it takes ineas trying to keep it low bb to nun. 5%bb 1%be for the 400 mg bold u I was thinking n that would work for me taking 3 compound's two of them at high bb% so low bb in my eq really helps to keep it at safe dose still what you advise D
Bold u 500
How much bb%/ba% if it takes ineas trying to keep it low bb to nun. 5%bb 1%be for the 400 mg bold u I was thinking n that would work for me taking 3 compound's two of them at high bb% so low bb in my eq really helps to keep it at safe dose still what you advise D
Good luck drawing or injecting it with such a low BB
Bold u 500
How much bb%/ba% if it takes ineas trying to keep it low bb to nun. 5%bb 1%be for the 400 mg bold u I was thinking n that would work for me taking 3 compound's two of them at high bb% so low bb in my eq really helps to keep it at safe dose still what you advise D
I think i put at least 20% idk.. im not one of those people that go tit for tat over an extra 5% bb I just put what I think will be plenty . Usually with anything i make at higher concentration 23-26 % gets the job done. At regular concentration 18-22%.. just my 2 cents
I think i put at least 20% idk.. im not one of those people that go tit for tat over an extra 5% bb I just put what I think will be plenty . Usually with anything i make at higher concentration 23-26 % gets the job done. At regular concentration 18-22%.. just my 2 cents
Even test C 275mg 25.5%bb in it tren ace 110mg21%-22%bb if the raws are fresh if there older that will change because the raws becomes harder to get to clear up but I take take most compound to the melting point just so I know it melted right that's in just the BB and raws I ad oil after it melts in the BB then warmnup the oil to the same temp of the bb and raws drop the oil in plus ba at 140 degrees keep mixing tell it's 120 then filter and done what you think bro
I pull the bb/raw mix off soon as there no more raws in it it's completely clear then as the oil some old head was my teacher that was he's way of doing. it always came out nice though little more work lol but IDK don't mind baby setting it for a while tell it's done I never leave it not for even a minute to make sure everything goes right
This is part of my brewing experience.. This is a lut 200 ml of gear different things.. foing into the trash.. cause sometimes you just don't like one thing or another about how it turned out.. this i frequent. Sometimes it's trial and error. 17328003184883373339855101820783.webp
Standard dosage is usually 300mg/ml
I think originally it was 100mg/ml the mexican vet EQ.

Too many years ago I can't remember.

500mg is doable and has no pip, 600mg I'll try when I get my raws

EQ has no middle ground, you love it or you hate it.

If you are able to run it at 800/1200+ mg week without crashing your E2 or getting crazy high HCT and anxiety you are golden as it doesn't fuck up your markers in anyway (at least by my own experience) If you get those specific sides tho it's a pain in the ass and useless, plus some ppl respond just fantastic to it some other don't.

But if you don't get those sides it's a very mild compound that you can run for a long time without much issue.

I have read about kidney damage from it but for what I have understood it's something that is created by the crashed E2 that boldenone can give. (I could be regurgitating shit here, so do your own research as usual, don't trust me much)
While on eq you saw no kidney damage? i see many bodybuilders who say never saw kidney damage while on eq only when blood pressure is high. but that is indirect