Rektest - Death is available log

What exactly are you saying?

That, all of a sudden, I find someone in my inbox asking for sympathy and wanting to talk about themselves and HE is being what?

My only mistake was allow it to happen, until I woke up to the hypocrisy.

Are you out of your mind?

You well know what is it.
You have NO SHAME.
You should be ashamed of yourself but that would mean you have some decency in you and that's not the case.

I won't go further into this but I really hope you disappear into oblivion, what you have done is well past what any decent human being would ever do.
Is was a mutual friendship where we both told each other about ourselves.. The best thing to do is to just forget I exsit.. why keep dragging me around .. ive never lied to you and ive never disrespect you.... Just leave me alone @iris please

I am not the one who mentioned you,
You fool.

Nobody in their right might would want to have anything to do with you, even simply as a person to be amicable with.

Unless they are what you are, a liar and a hypocrite
I am not the one who mentioned you,
You fool.

Nobody in their right might would want to have anything to do with you, even simply as a person to be amicable with.

Unless they are what you are, a liar and a hypocrite
Enough I'm not a liar.. hypocritical.. possibly I do the best I can... you so full.of hate it must be so misereable.. My heart breaks for you.. You are sure not the person I got to know... Stop with calling me a liar and a shitty person because I am not... If i was i would own it... I don't know what i did to make you so bitter and hateful twards me but i am so sorry for whatever it was , please forgive me and move on... Do worry about me and what I got going in.. it's none of your bussness....
Again @iris ,,, STFU!! You are just being a pathetic excuse for a human being, Always trying "to get the LAST word in" to your useless posts/points,, Get a life and stop trying to "belong" to a steroid site full of men, Are you not a "Proud Woman" ? Or are you just a "woman by birth" ?? LMAO IMG_0457.webp
but then who needs to receive apologies?
And by whom and about what?
@Dirthand my apologies Brother. You didn't need to be part of this conversation and I am sorry you were brought into it.

Everyone: Hope we can all stay conscious of the potential dangers of DMs.

I also apologize for the way the oil endotoxin testing turned out. I made some assumptions and should have done more pre work before letting that rip.
@Dirthand my apologies Brother. You didn't need to be part of this conversation and I am sorry you were brought into it.

Everyone: Hope we can all stay conscious of the potential dangers of DMs.

I also apologize for the way the oil endotoxin testing turned out. I made some assumptions and should have done more pre work before letting that rip.
Ahahahah the apology cracked me up hahahaha bless you man
Ahahahah the apology cracked me up hahahaha bless you man
I failed you guys and I am sorry. Always the challenge when farming out new test methods. But hell, we gave it the ole college try. It's too bad we often have both arms tied behind our back when trying to move the needle of harm reduction with AAS given their ridiculous stigma.

Maybe in retirement I'll start my own analytical service. Good to have goals.

Thank you Sir.
Everyone: Hope we can all stay conscious of the potential dangers of DM.


But also my fault for mentioning the little subject that got certain individuals very riled, when i should not have done so, here.
But look at it all and it is not a "normal" reaction, to something that is supposed to be nothing.

The talk by a member was of "clearing up" what he perceived against the ethos of the site, which is a fair point.
And so, if this is said to not be a source board, or an unchecked marketing tool, I also threw that in.
Again, wrong place for it.
It was about someone being made fun of, who then also got subjected to what ensued, and it is my fault.
I only have OP to say sorry to, though, everything else stands.
Tagged me and still hasn't answered my questions haha.

Let's get back on thyroid convo!

I understand he needed to book the blood tests, so he does not have any results, yet.
He has been unable to do so, for the past few weeks, as he needed to move, as well.
Blah Blahh Blahhhhh more USELESS words from @iris once again avoiding any kind of responsibility for her unjust tactics and poor demeanor, Whatever you are taking ( do you take ANYTHING) you should get some bloodwork done because you are "OFF", or is that just your defect in character?? IMG_0450.webp
But anyways, I need to get recent blood work, Im back home Monday and this is first priority.
If you have any suggests on anything extra I should check, dont hold back with telling me


If diagnosed with hashimotos then thyroid auto antibodies may be helpful to see where you stand.