New Member
You're right and I apologize to both of you guys. I wasn't forth coming with why the weight came back.I think you should be more open to criticisms. You did a DNP cut before and then four months later you've decided you need to cut again. Maybe you aren't making the best dietary choices. And I think the other guy is right in that you may end up losing the muscle you gained in that bulk session.
In total this will be 4 months on out of 8 that you are on DNP? I'm actually a DNP advocate because it's a tool to be used. But it's a fine line between use and abuse.
The reason I gained it back was due to bad timing. I finished the cut and then a week later my nan went into the hospital. Things were, "fine" until they weren't and she went suddenly. I didn't go home to see her because certain people were feeding me BS about her health getting better.
At that point I went into bulking, blasting, and lifting heavy because there was no way I was going to maintain a diet going back to my home town and dealing with a bunch of grieving Italians while simultaneously juggling with the guilt of not flying back sooner.
I don't comfort eat but that time around I needed something to get me through it.
Either way the bulk and blast made coping easier.
Regardless, this time around I have more time, glp1 agonists, and a better understanding of how to proceed.
Is it abuse? Meh probably , but I'll ride it. I appreciate the feedback nonetheless.