Early Sprint / Late Winter Cut with Semaglutide, DNP, T3, and Test C.

I think you should be more open to criticisms. You did a DNP cut before and then four months later you've decided you need to cut again. Maybe you aren't making the best dietary choices. And I think the other guy is right in that you may end up losing the muscle you gained in that bulk session.

In total this will be 4 months on out of 8 that you are on DNP? I'm actually a DNP advocate because it's a tool to be used. But it's a fine line between use and abuse.
You're right and I apologize to both of you guys. I wasn't forth coming with why the weight came back.

The reason I gained it back was due to bad timing. I finished the cut and then a week later my nan went into the hospital. Things were, "fine" until they weren't and she went suddenly. I didn't go home to see her because certain people were feeding me BS about her health getting better.

At that point I went into bulking, blasting, and lifting heavy because there was no way I was going to maintain a diet going back to my home town and dealing with a bunch of grieving Italians while simultaneously juggling with the guilt of not flying back sooner.

I don't comfort eat but that time around I needed something to get me through it.

Either way the bulk and blast made coping easier.

Regardless, this time around I have more time, glp1 agonists, and a better understanding of how to proceed.

Is it abuse? Meh probably , but I'll ride it. I appreciate the feedback nonetheless.
Fair enough. I still think you should consider removing the DNP. Your down 15 lbs? And when you come off DNP you'll lose 5 more of the water retention?

Maybe even consider hiring someone to guide your training and diet a bit when you are done your diet.
Fair enough. I still think you should consider removing the DNP. Your down 15 lbs? And when you come off DNP you'll lose 5 more of the water retention?

Maybe even consider hiring someone to guide your training and diet a bit when you are done your diet.
Cheers mate thats been my plan. For the next bulking phase in the fall.
Cheers mate thats been my plan. For the next bulking phase in the fall.
All im saying is u could probably achieve a pretty good physique rn if u had put muscle on your frame. You dont have that much fat/muscle on your body. But you are just not eating enough. The enhanced protein synthesis is there but there is insuffecifient energy replishment accomplished. I would go as far as to say you have pretty good genetics for having so little progress so far
Sucks right? I was moving 300lbs on my squat and deadlift, and 235 lbs on my bench at the end of my blast a few weeks ago. Muscle mass was always hard to build on my frame and I got back to the PRs I hit on my 20s.

I've been lifting for 10 years (lazily) and only really got serious about it last year which you can see by the results. Either way, I'll be skelator for a few months and retry for a blast again this summer with much less fat so I don't have sides blasting again.
I'm natty and can hit better lift numbers (one inch shorter than you, anywhere between 185-193). You need to be either doing more volume or more intensity.