I had my bloodwork done recently and I have a few markers that are slightly out of range. Nothing too concerning to me, but wanted to get other opinions here. Please keep in mind I'm not using online advice for medical purpose. My appointment with my PCP is not for another 10 weeks (love the VA, right?), I'm simply asking for some lifestyle advice to keep things in check to when my bloodwork will be retested prior to my appointment.
I'm 5'-6", 152 lbs about (12%BF). I was on a pretty steep calorie deficit consuming 1500 calories per day, dumb but it did get the job done. That's in the past and will not repeat. I did start 125mg weekly of Test E (2x week) then retest in 6 weeks, also taking Reta 3mg/week. Will maintain that for now. Moving forward I'm increasing calories to ~2500 slowly, about 300 every week. Currently I'm at 2100 and plan to maintain that maybe for 8. If I'm still losing weight after 4 I'll bump up again. Goal to gain 0.5-1 lbs per week.
My workout has not changed, 3 on 1 off with cardio 3x per week which consists of 120-130 bpm for 30 minutes. I take rest days if needed or do a light workout when I don't feel fully recovered. I also hit 10k+ steps a day.
Of the 2100 calories, I have 45%carbs, 25%fat, 30%protein. Ultimately the goal is to hit 1-1.2g of protein per pound, then rest either carbs or fat. I've been pretty consistent about that for the last 3 weeks now.
Any opinions/suggestions are highly appreciated while I wait to see my PCP.
Side note: The numbers written in pencil next to the high markers were previous values from 2021.
I'm 5'-6", 152 lbs about (12%BF). I was on a pretty steep calorie deficit consuming 1500 calories per day, dumb but it did get the job done. That's in the past and will not repeat. I did start 125mg weekly of Test E (2x week) then retest in 6 weeks, also taking Reta 3mg/week. Will maintain that for now. Moving forward I'm increasing calories to ~2500 slowly, about 300 every week. Currently I'm at 2100 and plan to maintain that maybe for 8. If I'm still losing weight after 4 I'll bump up again. Goal to gain 0.5-1 lbs per week.
My workout has not changed, 3 on 1 off with cardio 3x per week which consists of 120-130 bpm for 30 minutes. I take rest days if needed or do a light workout when I don't feel fully recovered. I also hit 10k+ steps a day.
Of the 2100 calories, I have 45%carbs, 25%fat, 30%protein. Ultimately the goal is to hit 1-1.2g of protein per pound, then rest either carbs or fat. I've been pretty consistent about that for the last 3 weeks now.
Any opinions/suggestions are highly appreciated while I wait to see my PCP.
Side note: The numbers written in pencil next to the high markers were previous values from 2021.