Am I too old?

You are a 63 year old man with high body fat, and now you are playing with hormones. I do not give a crap what some YouTube personality said, it is absolutely insane for you to be doing zero cardio. Get your heart rate elevated for an extended period of time several times a week.

Prioritize health if you are going to do this.

I am only a few years behind you, and I practice what I preach.

I was at 1600 calories a day, 10K steps , 200 grams protien, 45 fat and 150 carbs and stuck at 199.
I get confused, trainers I have worked with said I'm not eating enough calories 1600.. When I did keto at 1200 calories I lost weight and muscle.

Since you track and have exact numbers, tell us what you eat, meal by meal, actual food choices and weight, and what you drink, as well.

Increase protein to 250. Keep fats where they are at 45 of below. Carbs are what you need to play with, higher, lower . . .

Have you ever considered carb cycling? It is a way of getting your weekly calories down over keeping carbs steady while still allowing yourself some high carb days (which means also some low or no carb days, which suck, but you can get through them knowing you have a high carb day coming when you can have a big bowl of oatmeal and toast made from Dave's Killer Bread with your eggs and egg whites at breakfast. Carb cycling is not a miracle or the be all end all. I am not even recommending it, but it does work, and for some folks it really helps them get through the calorie restriction knowing that they have a high carb day coming.

200 grams of carbs daily is 600 grams over three days

250 grams, 125 grams, 0 grams is only 375 grams over three days, but you have one day that is higher than you are used to eating, and it feels like fat body eating luxury (that also works out to less than you are eating now, 150 + 150 + 150 = 450 v. only 375 in this example).

This is just a simple example of how it applies. There are lots of ways to do it, including stretching it out over more than three days. The only thing that matters is getting the overall calorie count down.

Always keep protein high, though.
Here yhe skinny, no pun intended, coming up on 3mo for test cyn 300mg once per week in the am. Gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
coming up on 4 weeks

So you gained ten pounds in two weeks, likely all water weight. What happened the next two weeks?

What do you weigh?

Will post food

OK. That will help.

No cardio, I did do it 25 minutes on workout days, I I was watching this YouTube videos from RP and all that dude who debunks weightlifting practices and weightlifters and bodybuilders he said don't do cardio so I stopped doing it.

Like I said, that is retarded. Don't sacrifice your health.

Eating is definitely off now because of the Trizepatide

Get that protein in even if you have to force feed.

It takes only 6 ounces of grilled skinless chicken breast, not a huge serving size amount, to get 50 grams of protein. That comes with only 9 grams of fat.
Thank you for the help, I'm coming out of a mind polluted with misinformation which has translated into frustration which has translated into confusion.
I put so much time inot researching and dedication , not to mention the cash.
I found this site by complete accident and glad for it.

I went from 189 Lbs to 199 and held steady for 3 weeks, started Tirez and into the 6th week at 5mg as of today, weight is coming off , I'm at 194, down 5 Lbs in 8 days.

Here is an example of a day food; it's been tough with the Tirpez
Meal 1


2x scoops of gold standard protein/water
1/2 c oats uncooked
Creatine, glutamine

Train 8:30-10am

11:30 Meal 2

2x scoops of gold standard protein/water
1 banana

11pm Meal 3

2 slices Daves srouted bread made into french toast with egg whites

1 whole egg

5 egg whites. 135 grams

strawberries/bluberries 90grams

1pm Meal 4

7 pecans

1 ratio yogurt

1 scoop gold standard protein

stawberries/ bluberries fresh 110 grams

5pm Meal 5

porktenderloin 170 grams

broccoli 120 grams

brown rice 100 grams


2 Casein Powder

Bed 10:30pm

Carbs 168
Fat 42
Protien 241

Total Calories = 1972
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You are a 63 year old man with high body fat, and now you are playing with hormones. I do not give a crap what some YouTube personality said, it is absolutely insane for you to be doing zero cardio. Get your heart rate elevated for an extended period of time several times a week.

Prioritize health if you are going to do this.

I am only a few years behind you, and I practice what I preach.

Since you track and have exact numbers, tell us what you eat, meal by meal, actual food choices and weight, and what you drink, as well.

Increase protein to 250. Keep fats where they are at 45 of below. Carbs are what you need to play with, higher, lower . . .

Have you ever considered carb cycling? It is a way of getting your weekly calories down over keeping carbs steady while still allowing yourself some high carb days (which means also some low or no carb days, which suck, but you can get through them knowing you have a high carb day coming when you can have a big bowl of oatmeal and toast made from Dave's Killer Bread with your eggs and egg whites at breakfast. Carb cycling is not a miracle or the be all end all. I am not even recommending it, but it does work, and for some folks it really helps them get through the calorie restriction knowing that they have a high carb day coming.
This right here.

@malfeasance drops some great knowledge. Check out some of his other responses to other people by hovering over his name and clicking messages. This is what I did when I first joined and learned a shit ton. However, he is very conservative when it comes to drugs (for a reason). I just wanted to take all the drugs! Lol
Thank you all for the support and comments, I'm doing the 3 T's , I was at 1600 calories a day, 10K steps , 200 grams protien, 45 fat and 150 carbs and stuck at 199.
I get confused, trainers I have worked with said I'm not eating enough calories 1600.. When I did keto at 1200 calories I lost weight and muscle.

If you're losing body fat, that means an energy deficit and it's all you really need to know. If not, it means you're not in a deficit.
Thank you,thank you

Here yhe skinny, no pun intended, coming up on 3mo for test cyn 300mg once per week in the am. Gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
coming up on 4 weeks
20 mg =CJC 295/ Ipamorlin blend , 5 day cycle 2 off PM
20 mg = BPC 157/ TB500/GHK-CU/KVP, 5 day cycle 2 off AM
20mg = Semorolin 5 day cycle 2 off PM
5mg =Trizepatide on week 6 just coming off 4 weeks at 2.5 lost 5 pounds.

Work out
Rest Sunday and Monday
Tuesday = legs
Leg press 4x 8-12 ,360
Hack Squats 4x 8-12 ,180
Leg hack Curls 4x12, 25 each leg
Leg extentions 4× 8-12, 45
Seated Calf raises 4x 8-12, 180
Machine ab Crunches 4x 20 ,160
Wednesday = Chest
Cable pulls 4x20, 30
Seated chest Flys 4x12 , 120
Dumbell presses 4x12 , 55, 60, 65
Seated incline 4x 12, 150, 180
V bar 4x12 120
Seated extentions 4x12,90
Cable kickbacks 4x20, 25
Thursday = Back ,Biceps
Lat Pull Downs 4x 12 160,180
Seated rows 4x 12 , 120
Pull up Assisted 50, 4x 20
Olympic bar Curls 3x 12 , 65
Concentrated Curls 4x12 25,30
Seated extended machine Crunches 4x 20,150
Battle ropes
Light legs
Seated Leg extentions 4x12 130
Lay hamstring Curls 4x12 90
Mule kickback 4x 15 ,90
Repeat chest, Triceps, biceps and back
Will post food

No cardio, I did do it 25 minutes on workout days, I I was watching this YouTube videos from RP and all that dude who debunks weightlifting practices and weightlifters and bodybuilders he said don't do cardio so I stopped doing it. Eating is definitely off now because of the Trizepatide

Please ignore RP's advice to avoid cardio. That is not directed at a context like yours.
Thank you for your support and writing something in there I am very grateful for him he took a lot of time that he didn't have to and posted some very good information which I've already put into practice I went to the gym which is usually my day off on a Monday did my cardio and some ab work, I'll continue that and I'll choke down my 251 g of protein. A matter of fact everyone here has been very generous with their time and helping to clear up and declutter my mind with a lot of disinformation.
So I'm going to back up here a minute and give you some contacts of how I got to where I was after being frustrated I'm trying to get my body fat down to under 20%. I hired a coach. I worked with lean body coaching, it was a 6-month program where you're assigned hey coach he sets out the program of eating and training and you meet with them once a week via internet. I did this program for 6 months, I worked out 5 days a week two days with a personal trainer who's also a bodybuilder and competes he's in his forties he's experienced he's smart but he would never advise on nutrition just some very broad Strokes never advised on supplements or anything beyond that. I absolutely saw no results from working with this trainer and doing this program which I did completely 6 months. When I threaten to request my money back because it was money back guarantee I spoke to a person in upper management she was very smart and she was awesome she was the one who actually recommended the blood test and she was the one that told me my testosterone levels were low and should probably consider doing it testosterone replacement and then one thing led to another and that's how I got here. So in all due respect I did the eating meal prepping weighing food time eating multiple meals I did it I went to the gym 5 days a week did the high intensity cardio workout 4 days a week on top of my regular working out just to wait wouldn't come off my coach said I was an anomaly which I didn't believe so that's what's led me to try other things like peptides and question the possibility of introducing some sort of a steroid. I also in my third year now at the gym see the same people there working out hard of all different ages they all look the same nobody looks different a little muscular but nobody's muscle bound why is that?
So I'm going to back up here a minute and give you some contacts of how I got to where I was after being frustrated I'm trying to get my body fat down to under 20%. I hired a coach. I worked with lean body coaching, it was a 6-month program where you're assigned hey coach he sets out the program of eating and training and you meet with them once a week via internet. I did this program for 6 months, I worked out 5 days a week two days with a personal trainer who's also a bodybuilder and competes he's in his forties he's experienced he's smart but he would never advise on nutrition just some very broad Strokes never advised on supplements or anything beyond that. I absolutely saw no results from working with this trainer and doing this program which I did completely 6 months. When I threaten to request my money back because it was money back guarantee I spoke to a person in upper management she was very smart and she was awesome she was the one who actually recommended the blood test and she was the one that told me my testosterone levels were low and should probably consider doing it testosterone replacement and then one thing led to another and that's how I got here. So in all due respect I did the eating meal prepping weighing food time eating multiple meals I did it I went to the gym 5 days a week did the high intensity cardio workout 4 days a week on top of my regular working out just to wait wouldn't come off my coach said I was an anomaly which I didn't believe so that's what's led me to try other things like peptides and question the possibility of introducing some sort of a steroid. I also in my third year now at the gym see the same people there working out hard of all different ages they all look the same nobody looks different a little muscular but nobody's muscle bound why is that?

1. Dude I support you and practically everyone here is going to nod in approval of your gear journey. You don't have to beg forgiveness or claim you're an anomaly to justify it or whatever.

2. It sounds like you overpaid for a bullshit program, half-assed it, and are looking for someone to blame. We can move past that.

If you did the work and followed a simple diet, your body would look different. Most people you see in the gym are in cruise control, it's a hobby. They're not living the lifestyle and trying to change their appearance.

Like I said, we support you. Get back in the gym, lift heavy shit repeatedly, follow a reasonable diet, and get on TRT or a cycle or however you've decided to move forward. LFG
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Thanks man I appreciate the support, I'm in the gym I'm working out 5 days a week I never quit so that's that. I'm working hard and I'm very dedicated I guess the point was I was just doing all the things I was asked to do and working hard I didn't really get the results that's a bit frustrating. That's why I started reaching out into other things thinking that I might just be missing something. I can't be working out any harder I am lifting heavy s*** and proud of it I'll grind and grind because I'm really into this lifestyle. And I'm really into this community and all the help that you guys are thrown at me and support.
I do not think anybody here, no matter how conservative, would recommend that you keep your testosterone down at 251. That is very low (like in the toilet low) and will obviously get in the way of your progress on building muscle.
Thank you for the help, I'm coming out of a mind polluted with misinformation which has translated into frustration which has translated into confusion.
I put so much time inot researching and dedication , not to mention the cash.
I found this site by complete accident and glad for it.

I went from 189 Lbs to 199 and held steady for 3 weeks, started Tirez and into the 6th week at 5mg as of today, weight is coming off , I'm at 194, down 5 Lbs in 8 days.

Here is an example of a day food; it's been tough with the Tirpez
Meal 1


2x scoops of gold standard protein/water
1/2 c oats uncooked
Creatine, glutamine

Train 8:30-10am

11:30 Meal 2

2x scoops of gold standard protein/water
1 banana

11pm Meal 3

2 slices Daves srouted bread made into french toast with egg whites

1 whole egg

5 egg whites. 135 grams

strawberries/bluberries 90grams

1pm Meal 4

7 pecans

1 ratio yogurt

1 scoop gold standard protein

stawberries/ bluberries fresh 110 grams

5pm Meal 5

porktenderloin 170 grams

broccoli 120 grams

brown rice 100 grams


2 Casein Powder

Bed 10:30pm

Carbs 168
Fat 42
Protien 241

Total Calories = 1972
Opinions will differ on this, but I will share mine, unsolicited (and I realize it is unsolicited). Protein powder served four times daily - two or three of these at least should be replaced with real food.

I have a lot of reasons for holding this opinion, but I won't pound you over the head with them.

I use protein powder myself, but sparingly, usually just on workout days post workout (that is, once a day or less).

I try to find a way to plan meals so I get real food, which I prepare from raw ingredients so I know exactly what I am eating. When cutting, especially, I want to know exactly what I am eating.
Thank you for chiming in again I appreciate it, you are certainly not the first person to say this about protein powders in my world I've worked with four trainers and all of them said real food over protein powders. I thank you for your help my friend I appreciate it
Thank you for chiming in again I appreciate it, you are certainly not the first person to say this about protein powders in my world I've worked with four trainers and all of them said real food over protein powders. I thank you for your help my friend I appreciate it

FYI there's a reply button, so people can see who you're replying to and that person also receives a notification.
Greetings everyone I am truly enjoying this form I have learned more in one week than I have in 6 months listening to some knuckleheads. So I am grateful thank you. So I just come to realize that most of this crap I'm using to get an optimal shape is just that crap and a waste of money. I went through the supplement phase, I'm about halfway through the peptide phase, and now I'm wondering if I should consider some user-friendly newbie AAS ?

To add some context I am a 63 year old male I weigh 195 lb in pretty good shape no issues with any of my blood work just some low testosterone and I'm on testosterone cypionate for that. I do some supplements and fooling around with some peptides that have more or less going into the useless column.
Eating is clean never seems like I have a down pat 100% BF is 23 or 24.
My goals are pretty straightforward I'd like to put on some lean body mass get my BF down to 18% and increase some volume and muscle mass nothing crazy. This is where I thought anavar might be a good choice or maybe I shouldn't even consider doing any steroids I'd love to hear your thoughts are. Thank you in advance

How much Test-C /week are you on ?
Where is you Test and E2 at ?
Have you considered low dose Deca/Npp 100mg/week ?