EOQ Remedies - European Domestic

Hi mates,

sorry for the bad communication the past days. this is not my standard and my apologys. since today im back on track!

New products coming next week !

<3 Q
Welcome back. Which products will be available? Any new pharma products planned?
Any plans on stocking Trestolone?

Do you ever run any promotions, especially your HGH?
Hi, yes its planned but only when my stock is back to normal. since the situation is what it is in china my stock is getting quite down. waiting for raws from several manufacturors.
Oh.... okay... then..... Do.... your.... emails..... not.. show ..... up.... on your.... nokia... 3310...?...

Okay I'm done, was fun!
i woudnt dare to argue with anyone who has been ordering roids online since the 80s, that's fucking chuck norris level shit. I bet he also paid with crypto back in '86
sorry :\ our fancy boxes for the new batch are shipped one week ago. i swear youll get a fancy discount code for next order !
Not an issue, it was more of a joke, i care about the service and product :)
Altough that box is indeed fancy, i love your brand design (reminds of Omega Med from like 5+ years ago)

currently we are waiting for our fancy hgh boxes, so we decided to have a FANCY BOX DISCOUNT on HGH

> 1 KIT = 65 Euro
> 5 KITs = 300 Euro

Limited on 200 Kits! The vials will be sent without boxes !


<3 Q

currently we are waiting for our fancy hgh boxes, so we decided to have a FANCY BOX DISCOUNT on HGH

> 1 KIT = 65 Euro
> 5 KITs = 300 Euro

Limited on 200 Kits! The vials will be sent without boxes !


<3 Q
How many IU's per Kit?

currently we are waiting for our fancy hgh boxes, so we decided to have a FANCY BOX DISCOUNT on HGH

> 1 KIT = 65 Euro
> 5 KITs = 300 Euro

Limited on 200 Kits! The vials will be sent without boxes !


<3 Q
Which batch is this? Any tests on the current batch?
Will you cover HGH blind test or only up to 125$?

ofcourse i will cover blindest ! newest jano test report will be uploaded this evening =)
@EOQ-Q can you upload the tests to your website? i thought my testosterone was untested but you had already tested it in and uploaded in a thread here. could be nice to navigate through it easy on your website