@readalot ,
Can a sterility test confirm the sterilization of the whole batch?
I dont get why it wouldn’t, if the oil is sterile, it should be the same between each vial, and if each vial is sterile itself, why would the test on one vial not be viable for the batch?
Me and
@iris have been going back and forth on this and I think she has been misguided and swayed, from the views and ideas of a home brewer that has no picture or idea the level a good UGL lab is on, because all they know is brewing in their “unsterile house” , not a purpose built building solely for brewing, or even the extent of equipment difference between them and an actual lab.
I am under the thought that the labs getting all these problems are not sterilizing somewhere, where they should be.
or what these “floaters” even actually are, are they from the brewing process (which means their brewing is shit) or from the vial itself (maybe from buying the absolute cheapest vial?) if its from the vial, wouldnt sterilizing them, by the brewer, solve ever having floaters or unsterile process at any point?
@Stanfordpharma1 can chime in, with his UGL experience, on his process between each vial, if at any point one can become unsterile vs the next one?
If you can guarantee sterility for the whole batch, within your working environment, or whether the possibility of contamination still exists