HGH Purity and dimer


New Member

Checking out a potential vendor who has a good price for 24 IU Hgh but the purity seems too low at 94.95% yet there were no dimer content detected. Normally I have seen lower purity correspond with dimer content.

What should I be worried about here? Other substances? Like the rumors of older cheap Hgh with stuff to give you fake side effects of real Hgh?

Would you have any concerns with this? I can name the vendor or post the test, not sure if it’s appropriate to do so.

So the reason proteins don't have "blind tests" is because of the complexity (and expense) of analyzing a broad spectrum of possibilities. Basically, you have to know what you're looking for, and things like dimer (two hgh proteins attached) and other similar, but not exactly the same, proteins will be detected at the same time.

Pharma has to identify every impurity and ensure they're not something potentially dangerous. That kind of in depth analysis is not practical at a reasonable cost.

So there's 5% of unidentified "stuff".

Statistically, the most likely "impurity" would be aggregates(or aggregate inducing defective/fragmented protein chains, "seeds"). Dimer is a well known type of aggregate, but they can get much larger. Thousands of times larger in some cases.

So if you chose to use this batch, I would use a .22um PES filter, which will eliminate the largest aggregates, since those are the ones most likely to cause issues (an immune response). Do that and it'll probobly be fine.
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So the reason proteins don't have "blind tests" is because of the complexity (and expense) of analyzing a broad spectrum of possibilities. Basically, you have to know what you're looking for, and things like dimer (two hgh proteins attached) and other similar, but not exactly the same, proteins will be detected at the same time.

Pharma has to identify every impurity and ensure they're not something potentially dangerous. That kind of in depth analysis is not practical at a reasonable cost.

So there's 5% of unidentified "stuff".

Statistically, the most likely "impurity" would be aggregates(or aggregate inducing defective/fragmented protein chains, "seeds"). Dimer is a well known type of aggregate, but they can get much larger. Thousands of times larger in some cases.

So if you chose to use this batch, I would use a .22um PES filter, which will eliminate the largest aggregates, since those are the ones most likely to cause issues (an immune response). Do that and it'll probobly be fine.
Thanks. I tried searching here and elsewhere and was not able to find that information.

It’s not worth saving a few bucks to risk my health on that. I’ll just stick with my usual supplier which has much higher purity.
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The 5% could be as simple as inappropriately formed or incomplete forms of GH protein strands, but who knows, could be something unpleasant. If I recall, pharma has to be 98% pure, so even they allow 2% "other stuff". However, obviously who knows what that stuff is.. For what it's worth, at 95%, I'd say it's not HORRIBLE, but lower than most, and def I wouldn't want to see it any lower
I saw that test too.

I'd do it if way cheaper or just need to build up some surplus, but there's better purity out there for equivalent price.
I saw that test too.

I'd do it if way cheaper or just need to build up some surplus, but there's better purity out there for equivalent price.
Yeah. Right now I’m on 2iu/day and want to move up to 5 for an upcoming cycle. Looking for cheaper sources but since I’m increasing the dose I don’t want to be adding more crap in with it as well.
Yeah. Right now I’m on 2iu/day and want to move up to 5 for an upcoming cycle. Looking for cheaper sources but since I’m increasing the dose I don’t want to be adding more crap in with it as well.

For long term use especially, imo it's good practice to filter anyway. 1 point off the "ideal" PH can speed up degradation several times unless there's a PH buffer excipient (rare in UGL).

The risk isn't from a single injection sending you to he hospital, but the cumulative effect over months.
The 5% could be as simple as inappropriately formed or incomplete forms of GH protein strands, but who knows, could be something unpleasant. If I recall, pharma has to be 98% pure, so even they allow 2% "other stuff". However, obviously who knows what that stuff is.. For what it's worth, at 95%, I'd say it's not HORRIBLE, but lower than most, and def I wouldn't want to see it any lower
Pharma allows lower purity then 98%
97% if I'm not mistaken

We were both wrong 94%
Read below
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The 5% could be as simple as inappropriately formed or incomplete forms of GH protein strands, but who knows, could be something unpleasant. If I recall, pharma has to be 98% pure, so even they allow 2% "other stuff". However, obviously who knows what that stuff is.. For what it's worth, at 95%, I'd say it's not HORRIBLE, but lower than most, and def I wouldn't want to see it any lower

So 94% if I understood that right?

I'd use it. Some people say they can tell the difference between 95% and 97%. Lol.
I'd use it. Some people say they can tell the difference between 95% and 97%. Lol.
I can't, the only thing I can tell is dirty HGH when it blows me up and gives me carpal tunnel when maybe the one from a different source was giving me none. That's the only difference I can tell lol

I still try to source the purest cleanest of dimer I can but that's because it's not pharma so the purest it is the better I guess as all the other variables are kinda unknown
I would use a .22um PES filter, which will eliminate the largest aggregates, since those are the ones most likely to cause issues (an immune response). Do that and it'll probobly be fine.
Is there a simple tutorial on this that anyone knows about? Video? This is a great thought and I’d like to start filtering HGH as well as test
I can't, the only thing I can tell is dirty HGH when it blows me up and gives me carpal tunnel when maybe the one from a different source was giving me none. That's the only difference I can tell lol

I still try to source the purest cleanest of dimer I can but that's because it's not pharma so the purest it is the better I guess as all the other variables are kinda unknown

One MAJOR difference with pharma is that "impurities" must all be specifically identified, confirmed non-toxic, and an explanation why they can't be removed given to the FDA in the official application by the pharma company when seeking approval of the drug for sale. They go into all the manufacturing, storage, transport processes, and often have to negotiate to reduce impurities, maintain certain storage conditions to prevent aggregates from forming etc.

Here's an example of a somatropin based drug application for a generic called Sogroya.



The blacked out portion probably says:

"The QPQ reviewer indicated that this crap was loaded with aggregates because someone sent it to them in August via snail mail without an insulated cold pack, wtf?"

Notice the specifics regarding impurities and "control strategies" are blocked out, for "commercial confidentiality", around page 36

They have to compare side effect profiles to existing similar drugs, like Norditropin in this case:

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FWIW.. Never had an issue with Opti greys for years. Quick and easy. Always on time. Stick with reputable HGH like the aforementioned and you’ll be golden.
Is there a simple tutorial on this that anyone knows about? Video? This is a great thought and I’d like to start filtering HGH as well as test
I was having this exact thought earlier today, and I came across this video on YouTube:

View: https://youtu.be/o7EUN3FGzPs?si=TZQqiZquolleKD03

Can anyone comment on the quality of this filtering process? Is this a safe tutorial to reference?

On a side note, I think it would be a tremendous resource for the community if some of the more knowledgeable members could collaborate on a single post that could be stickied in this sub-forum detailing the peptide/oil filtering process. Beginning with recommended supplies, and maybe a step-by-step outline of the process. I notice that there are a lot of excellent posts scattered throughout various threads that are hidden gems of information regarding this topic, and if these could be consolidated into a single post (with credits given to each contributing member), it would be the definitive guide to filtering. Also, it would be an easy reference link when this topic is inevitably asked about an infinite amount of times in the future. I know it is a rather large and time-consuming task to compile, though. Easy for me to suggest as I sit on the sideline, lol.
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