Bla bla bla …. Waiting for answers to questions above just like everyone else. Why Can’t you answer those ?I see a braindead keyboard warrior, slinging shit to gain cred with other morons.
You have an issue with any point I make, bring it. But you can't, can you tough guy?
Anyone who makes the mistake of thinking you provide anything of value here should just have a look at your low effort posts.
Nothing but a mouth breathing loser using MESO for the same thing toilet paper is on taco night at a cheap Mexican restaurant.
All the so called knowledge surely leads to a killer physique, show us what we are missing !!
Gain cred? I’ve got more respect on here from just being me and honest and admitting when I don’t know something and accepting advice. Thanking members and moving forward. You are losing any dignity and respect you ever had post by post.
Anyways. I’m just leaving the gym, you ever done that, gonna go home and have some lentil soup and ground turkey. How bout you… what’s for dinner tonight and what did you do at the gym today ?
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