Search results for query: Computed tomography

  1. Sworder

    Extreme Lethargy from GH

    ...withdrawn from the study because of edema and atrial fibrillation. Body composition was estimated with three independent methods: computed tomography, bioelectric impedance, and total body potassium combined with total body water assessments. The Comprehensive Psychological Rating Scale and...
  2. Michael Scally MD

    Activation of Human Brown Adipose Tissue by a β3-Adrenergic Receptor Agonist

    ...BAT metabolic activity as measured via 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) using positron emission tomography (PET) combined with computed tomography (CT) in all twelve healthy male subjects (p = 0.001), and it increased resting metabolic rate (RMR) by 203 ± 40 kcal/day (+13%; p = 0.001). BAT...
  3. Michael Scally MD

    Prostate ...

    ...needle biopsy was performed, and pathological examination revealed prostatic adenocarcinoma. The Gleason score was 4+5=9. Computed tomography revealed metastases of the pelvic lymph nodes. Combined androgen blockade was started. The PSA concentration decreased to 1.68 ng/mL, but started...
  4. Michael Scally MD

    Androgen Replacement

    ...lipids, glucose, and HOMA-IR were measured every 4 weeks. Intramuscular (IM) fat was measured at the thigh by quantitative computed tomography at 0 and 16 weeks. Changes were assessed between T dose groups within Cohort 2 to assess T effects, and between Cohorts 1 and 2 to assess E...
  5. Izk

    deca appetite, experiences

    All here. Pretty long read though.
  6. CensoredBoardsSuck

    Western-BioTech - Pharma quality GH

    Perhaps computed and positron emission tomography and an EEG should be requested to identify temporal lobe complications affecting comprehension, as well as serological tests to confirm Treponema pallidum as a causation of aphasia. What do you think? o_O
  7. Michael Scally MD

    Bilateral Deltoid Myositis Ossificans In A Weightlifter Using Anabolic Steroids

    ...deltoid, measuring 12x14x4 cm. There was no limitation in range of motion or functioning. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans suggested a lobulated, heterogeneous mass with multiple areas of calcification that raised suspicion for soft tissue sarcoma vs...
  8. Michael Scally MD

    Clinical Case Studies

    ...findings of swollen pancreas with inflammatory changes in patient of epigastric pain, which was later confirmed on computed tomography scan. Androgenic anabolic steroids have grown in popularity amongst athletics and bodybuilders due to their ability to enhance performance, muscle mass, and...
  9. Michael Scally MD

    Clinical Case Studies

    ...revealed normal sinus rhythm without murmurs or gallops, and the lungs were clear on auscultation. Radiography (Panel A) and computed tomography (CT) (Panel B) of the chest revealed a large, posterior mediastinal mass. On CT, the mass measured 19 cm by 15 cm by 8 cm, displaced adjacent...
  10. Michael Scally MD

    The Endocrine Society 2014

    ...levels, fasting plasma glucose and single-slice intra-abdominal (IAF) and subcutaneous fat areas at the level of the umbilicus by computed tomography (CT). CT fat areas were re-measured 7.5 years later. We performed univariate and multiple linear regression analyses to determine whether...
  11. Michael Scally MD

    OnLine First 2013

    Relationship between Erectile Dysfunction and Silent Coronary Artery Disease: Detection with Multidetector Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography Umul M, Semerci B, Umul A, Ceylan N, Mammadov R, Turna B. Relationship between Erectile Dysfunction and Silent Coronary Artery Disease: Detection...
  12. cvictorg

    Boston Marathon Director Diagnosed With Coronary Disease

    ...BOSTON, MA – Dave McGillivray, the race director of the Boston Marathon, is being treated for coronary heart disease after a computed tomography (CT) angiogram revealed multiple stenoses, according to the Boston Herald. The news is relatively surprising, given that McGillivray remains one...
  13. Michael Scally MD

    Clinical Case Studies

    ...chest showed mediastinal widening. An echocardiogram revealed mild aortic regurgitation with an aneurysm of the ascending aorta. Computed tomography of the chest with the use of contrast material showed a large saccular aneurysm (Panel C, asterisks in images) arising from the right...
  14. CensoredBoardsSuck

    Clinical Case Studies

    The compression of the "trachea, pulmonary artery, superior vena cava, and esophagus" must have been causing physical symptoms. Regardless, any "sane" person would have sought medical attention long before the size of the swelling reached baseball status. If neurosyphilis isn't responsible, he's...
  15. Michael Scally MD

    Blood tests. 3 problems.

    ...facial pain, and increase in PRL to 13,471 ng/ml. Visual field deterioration and increased tumor size (height, 40-43 mm) by computed tomography were documented. A relationship between T injection and exacerbation of the prolactinoma was not recognized until after a second T injection 3 months...
  16. Michael Scally MD

    Clinical Case Studies

    ...and no other relevant neurologic findings. A diagonal crease in each earlobe (Frank's sign) was noted (Panel A). Urgent computed tomography revealed a subacute occipital infarction in the territory of the left posterior cerebral artery (Panel B, asterisk), as well as many other old...
  17. Michael Scally MD

    Leptin, Caffeine/Ephedrine, And Their Combination q.d.) (L), or combination leptin A-200 and caffeine/ephedrine (LCE). Outcomes included change in weight, visceral fat mass by computed tomography, lean mass and fat mass by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Results Groups treated with CE and LCE lost significant amounts of weight (?5.9...
  18. Michael Scally MD

    Clinical Case Studies

    ...127 mmol/L). There was no synthetic dysfunction. Viral and autoimmune serologies were unremarkable. Ultrasound of the liver and computed tomography of the abdomen were normal. A liver biopsy showed intrahepatic cholestasis and occasional necroinflammatory foci, consistent with a drug reaction...
  19. Michael Scally MD

    [NO] Reassurance After Normal Diagnostic Testing

    ...stress disorder). False-negative results can also be a concern. For example, the high diagnostic accuracy of abdominal computed tomography for appendicitis and renal colic does not generalize to patients presenting to the emergency department with undifferentiated upper abdominal pain...
  20. cvictorg


    ...Marathon every year for 25 consecutive years, thus completing a minimum of 25 marathons. All subjects underwent coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA) using a 64-slice machine. Compared with controls, marathoners had significantly more calcified plaque volume–274 mm3 for the...
  21. I


    Too much of anything is bad for you....
  22. Michael Scally MD

    OnLine First 2013

    ...volumetric bone mineral density and microstructure at the distal radius and tibia by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) at baseline and 12 months postoperatively. Results: Mean weight loss was 28 ± 3 kg (P < .0001). PTH rose 23% (P < .02) and...
  23. Michael Scally MD

    OnLine First compression of the deep dorsal vein (DDV), the main venous collector under pubic symphysis. Using a recently developed caverno computed tomography (CT) scan technique, allowing the evaluation of the venous drainage of the corpora cavernosa (CC) during erection, we have studied some...
  24. Michael Scally MD

    Body Composition & Metabolic Parameters - Thyroid Hormones

    ...Body composition and muscle cross-sectional area were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and peripheral quantitative computed tomography. Total (triiodothyronine (T(3); TT(3)) thyroxine and (T(4); TT(4))) and free thyroid hormones (FT(3) and FT(4)), TSH, and reverse T(3) (rT(3)) and...
  25. Michael Scally MD

    Clinical Case Studies

    ...tests for autoantibodies were also all negative. He had no history of heavy alcohol consumption. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography showed no evidence to substantiate a diagnosis of obstructive jaundice or hepatic tumor. However, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that...