Search results for query: Computed tomography

  1. Michael Scally MD

    potential pituitary tumor?

    ...A surprising number of apparently healthy people harbor unsuspected pituitary tumors, which are being discovered incidentally on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed for other reasons. The majority can be safely observed; for others, medical therapy or...
  2. Michael Scally MD

    Integrative Approaches for Cardiovascular Disease

    ...patient-centered environment. An approach to integrative cardiology includes advanced diagnostic testing using a 64-slice computed tomography (CT) scanner with positron emission tomography (PET), metabolic clinic, nutrition counseling, cardiac rehabilitation, biofeedback, yoga, meditation...
  3. Michael Scally MD

    Dammit 1mm microadenoma

    ...of the mass to decide what treatment, if any, is needed. Measurement of precontrast Hounsfield units (HU) and contrast washout on computed tomography scan provide useful diagnostic information. All patients should undergo biochemical testing for pheochromocytoma, either with plasma or urinary...
  4. mrmorris

    Integrative Approaches for Cardiovascular Disease

    Very important and informative thread Dr. Scally. One question when your saying Allopathic Medicine, that's an M.D. right? Doctors of Allopathic Medicine is the correct term for an M.D. Physician. As is Osteopathic Medicine is a D.O. Physician. Both basically the same just different titles...
  5. Michael Scally MD

    Holy S*** - Surprise Diagnoses For Research Volunteers

    ...there was any benefit to the remaining 26 patients remains unclear. Technical variations Aberrations were most common in computed tomography (CT) examinations of the abdomen, pelvis and thorax, followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the head. With CT scans of the abdomen...
  6. Michael Scally MD

    Results for best needle gauge

    ...injection sites. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: General hospital. PARTICIPANTS: 100 consecutive adults who had computed tomography of the pelvis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Minimum distance between the surface of the skin and the nearest edge of muscle at intramuscular...
  7. Michael Scally MD

    OnLine First

    ...confounding cannot be excluded. Indeed, a study of 221 non-diabetic men, which was able to adjust for regional adiposity by computed tomography (CT) imaging, showed that the inverse relationship of insulin resistance, a key component of the MetS, with testosterone was no longer significant...
  8. Michael Scally MD

    Lung Cancer & CT Scans

    ...randomized trial that was initiated in 2002 with the primary goal to determine whether screening for lung cancer with computed tomography (CT), when compared with chest radiographs, reduces lung cancer specific mortality. The trial represented a merger of two NCI-sponsored activities, the NCI...
  9. m_ob

    Dental X-rays increase risk of cancer

    ...of cancer. [ID:nN01116048] Here are some questions and answers about CT scans: Q: WHAT IS A CT SCAN? A: CT, short for computed tomography, is an advanced type of X-ray that gives doctors the ability to see inside the body, in some cases eliminating the need for exploratory surgery...
  10. cvictorg

    Theratechnologies’ Tesamorelin

    ...or placebo for 26 weeks. The primary end point was the percent change from baseline in visceral adipose tissue as shown on computed tomography. Secondary end points included triglyceride levels, the ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the level of...
  11. Michael Scally MD

    Muscle Strength, Physical Activity May Protect Men Against Bone Fragility

    ...were associated with tibia and radius estimates of bone strength, cortical density, or total bone area. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was used to compare tibial and radial bone volumetric density (vBMD, mg/cm3), total (ToA, mm2) and cortical (CoA, mm2) bone area, and...
  12. cvictorg

    Effects of Tesamorelin (TH9507) a dose of 2 mg or identical placebo, sc, was given daily. Main Outcome Measure: We evaluated percent change in VAT by computed tomography scan at wk 26. Results: At wk 26, VAT decreased significantly in tesamorelin-treated patients (-24 +/- 41 vs. 2 +/- 35 cm(2), tesamorelin vs. placebo, P...
  13. Michael Scally MD

    best protcol for fatty liver (stones in liver)

    ...with liver biopsy. Most individuals with NAFLD have been diagnosed after abnormal liver function tests and/or ultrasound or computed tomography scans indicated a fatty liver. It is possible to have NAFLD, especially the chronic, progressive form, in the setting of apparently normal liver...
  14. Michael Scally MD

    Which med. conditions cause hoarseness

    ...months after onset, or irrespective of duration if a serious underlying cause is suspected; 4) the clinician should not obtain computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the patient with a primary complaint of hoarseness prior to visualizing the larynx; 5) the clinician should...
  15. OhNoYo

    Which med. conditions cause hoarseness

    I'm surprised that journal article didn't say anything about doctors making the assessment of HPV diagnosis or history of alcohol use.
  16. Michael Scally MD

    Vitamin D Status and Its Relation to Muscle Mass and Muscle Fat in Young Women Outcome Measures and Subjects: Measures were anthropometric measures, serum 25OHD radioimmunoassay values, and computed tomography (CT) values of fat, muscle mass, and percent muscle fat in 90 postpubertal females, aged 16-22 yr, residing in California. Results: Approximately 59%...
  17. Michael Scally MD

    Low T- Bloodwork included

    ...were elevated. A feminizing tumor was considered; biochemical tumor markers, chest x-ray, ultrasound of testes, and abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan were negative. Dexamethasone-suppression testing showed normal suppression of 24-hour urinary adrenal steroids...
  18. Michael Scally MD

    Androgens and PRL (Prolactin)

    ...facial pain, and increase in PRL to 13,471 ng/ml. Visual field deterioration and increased tumor size (height, 40-43 mm) by computed tomography were documented. A relationship between T injection and exacerbation of the prolactinoma was not recognized until after a second T injection 3 months...
  19. S

    Androgens and PRL (Prolactin)

    Thank-you. But doesnt this have limited applicability becuase there not healthy eugondal males? From what I understand. PRL is regulated by testosterone (long feedback) and also estrogen at the anterior pituitary. Do you have any information on 19-Nors and PRL? Would they raise PRL...
  20. Michael Scally MD

    Target Cancer

    ...popularity of CT scans. Such scans can deliver the radiation equivalent of 400 chest X-rays. An estimated 70 million CT (for computed tomography) scans are performed in the United States every year, up from three million in the early 1980s, and as many as 14,000 people may die every year...
  21. Michael Scally MD

    Low Estrogen

    ...density. His serum estradiol and estrone, FSH, and LH concentrations were elevated, while testosterone was normal. Electron beam computed tomography scanning of the heart in this individual showed calcium deposition in his left anterior descending coronary artery, indicating early...
  22. OhNoYo

    Low Estrogen

    Dr. Scally, from literature I have read and reviewed, I could not agree more. Estrogen in males is an extremely positive hormone to have in the body. Long-term estrogen suppression from AI can quickly bring down HDL levels so dangerously low levels, sometimes even in the single digits. In my...
  23. cvictorg

    injectable testosterone undecanoate

    Is this being prescribed for hrt in the United States? Nebido The safety and efficacy of injectable testosterone undecanoate during routine clinical management of hypogonadism: an analysis from a long-term ?real-life? study Patients received intramuscular injections of 1000 mg TU at...
  24. Michael Scally MD

    New protocol from doctor...need thoughts

    ...of endocrine patterns investigating the usefulness of MRI of the brain. The conclusion stated, "Magnetic resonant imaging or computed tomography imaging was available and reviewed in all patients with secondary [hypogonadotropic] hypogonadism. Ten [percent] of these patients had...
  25. J

    Optimizing Erectile Function: A Rational Approach

    ...when your preventive actions are more likely to result in success.8 My preferred method to screen for hidden heart disease is a computed tomography (CT) basic heart scan, which yields a heart scan “score.” A CT heart scan should not be confused with a CT coronary angiogram, commonly referred...