Search results for query: Computed tomography

  1. Ghoul

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    For anyone still doubtful of technology that can quickly identify specific compounds, the TSA has deployed Dual Energy Computed Tomography scanners coupled to AI modeling analyzers that can quickly identify specific liquids, to end the restriction to small amounts of liquids that's been in place...
  2. bighunanballs

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    I'll finally be able to fly with my liter of test cyp I mean salad dressing
  3. iris

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    I wanted to post about this, yesterday, but I thought nobody was going to be interested, as you are talking about a different thing. We have those, here, although not everywhere, yet. I thought you guys in the States were more advanced that Europe, with regards to their implementation.
  4. Ghoul

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    ...of steel to be specific: Mail will be scanned using Dual Energy Computed Tomography. Using two different X-ray energy levels, the differential can be compared to determine the atomic number of the material the beams are focused on...
  5. Blagtheripper

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    I do appreciate the video included, it gives a good idea of what the basic function of these things are. Very interesting and simultaneously enraging stuff. EDIT can’t cope smoking ganja and watching Split as I type brb fellas
  6. Blagtheripper

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    Man you’re telling me that I’m gonna have to live in a world where I can’t juice but I still have to deal with tweakers bro what
  7. Ghoul

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    ...View: Relevant portions around 2 minutes and 6 minutes. I'll add these are low end Dual Energy Computed Tomography machines. The key is two different x-ray energy levels (Dual Energy) are used to scan. which can be compared, revealing the atomic number of the...
  8. Zebedee

    STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

    The problem here is this video is showing this technology being used to prevent an explosive device being smuggled onboard a passenger airliner, which isn’t what you’re claiming it’s already being / about to be used for, ie scanning ALL parcels being imported into the US. There’s a massive...
  9. malfeasance


    ...a lot of fat in comparison to group 1 (3X), when looking at this chart. While only group 1 put on thigh muscle as confirmed by computed tomography. This chart contradicts the overall findings reported above it, but it is measuring "area," a two dimensional measurement, so I do not know...
  10. J

    Optimal HGH protocol - Timing from a health perspective

    So low dose every day you believe is best or am I misreading this?
  11. Type-IIx

    Optimal HGH protocol - Timing from a health perspective

    ...mass increased significantly. This begs the question were there unpublished data that were excluded? What methods were used, computed tomography like for thigh muscle area, to distinguish between LBM changes? Why publish only LBM data, then? Or, is this merely an unsophisticated typo...
  12. Michael Scally MD

    2,4-DiNitroPhenol [DNP]

    ...old is new again. Highlights A complete case example of a fatal 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) overdose is presented. Post-mortem computed tomography showed evidence of accelerated decompositional intravascular gas in multiple regions. Toxicological analysis showed an elevated ante-mortem blood...
  13. Methyl Mike

    2,4-DiNitroPhenol [DNP]

    So how much did he eat? 110mg/kg I am not sure what that means. It sounds like he ate a ton but the autopsy mentioned cardiovascular disease played a role in his death? So he died of hyperthermia or??? I also see "Toxicological analysis showed an elevated ante-mortem blood DNP concentration of...
  14. Habib

    Clenbuterol focus: Practical Research on Clen & Beta2- Adrenergic Compounds, Protocols

    Great post dude. Literally a inspiration for all posters everywhere and like the most valued member on the forum. This looks like it could be handed in at university and get a 1st lol. Do you know how much of an increase in basal metabolic rate 100mcg of clen can cause? I know it dependant of...
  15. Michael Scally MD


    ...body composition by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; tibial volumetric BMD (vBMD) and bone geometry by peripheral quantitative computed tomography. Results: Among our population of hypogonadal men, 49 had T2D and 56 were non-T2D. After 18 months of testosterone therapy, there were no...
  16. Type-IIx

    Clenbuterol focus: Practical Research on Clen & Beta2- Adrenergic Compounds, Protocols

    ...participant subjects due to equipment failure for a measure of muscle CSA to draw conclusions from (type 2 error sampling likely; computed tomography insensitive). Strength was maintained throughout the two week washout period [17] (distinguish from salbutamol [albuterol]). Mechanisms in...
  17. Michael Scally MD


    ...Objective: Determine the effect of testosterone treatment on bone microarchitecture using high resolution-peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT). Design, setting, participants: Men>50 years were recruited from six Australian centres. Interventions: Injectable testosterone...
  18. Michael Scally MD

    Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

    ...low, normal and high, LH values were statistically significantly higher in the COVID‐19 PCR positive group (p = 0.04). Thoracic computed tomography was performed in 42 patients. Testosterone levels were significantly lower in patients with COVID‐19 pneumonia (p = 0.01). When FSH, LH and...
  19. Michael Scally MD

    Anabolic Steroids & Liver [GI] per day) and ciclosporin A (120-150 mg per day) for almost 4 years. He presented with epigastric pain and fever, and abdominal computed tomography showed a lesion of heterogenous density measuring 13.5 × 13.0 × 8.0 cm in the left hepatic lobe, which was initially misdiagnosed as a liver...
  20. Michael Scally MD

    Anabolic Steroids & Liver [GI]

    ...Presenting case: We present the case of a previously healthy 36-year-old male diagnosed with transient jejunal intussusception on computed tomography after presenting with abdominal pain. Blood tests on admission were normal apart from polycythaemia. His only significant history was that of...
  21. Michael Scally MD

    AAS and Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Function

    ...or placebo gel for 12 months. The primary outcome was change in NCP volume from baseline to 12 months, as determined by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). We assayed several markers of CV risk and analyzed each marker individually in a model as predictive variables and change in...
  22. Michael Scally MD

    AAS and Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Function

    ...for a blood pressure of 140/72 mmHg and pulse rate of 94 bpm. Acute coronary syndrome was excluded by electrocardiography. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest and abdomen with contrast demonstrated aneurysmal dilation of the entire length of descending thoracic and abdominal aorta...
  23. Michael Scally MD

    TRT: Polymorphisms in The CYP19A1 Gene

    Bone and Body Composition Response to Testosterone Therapy Vary According to Polymorphisms in The CYP19A1 Gene Purpose - To evaluate the influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CYP19A1 on the response and susceptibility to side effects from testosterone therapy. This is a...
  24. Michael Scally MD

    Anabolic Steroids & Liver [GI]

    ...carcinoma in body builders; an emerging rare but serious complication of androgenic anabolic steroid use Preoperative computed tomography images of the case 2. Axial image (A) and coronal image (B) showing multiple hypervascular lesions within the liver. Masses occupy the segment 2 and...