
  1. P

    High Estrogen - Adex .5mg EOD

    I’ve been following this forum for the last couple of years but this is my first time actually posting a question. I recently had mid cycle bloodwork done 7 weeks into my current cycle. I’m currently running this: Test E 800mg weekly over 2 doses Deca 600mg weekly over 2 doses HCG 500 IU...
  2. M

    Weird thing: crashed the fuuuugh out of my E2, now need less AI despite same blast dose

    Hey y'all! Good morning. Happy motherfucking Saturday ya bastards!@ I have been sleeping like a king lately (which means for me, a solid 7.5 hours of sleep and I wake feeling like a million bucks) after battling fucking wicked insomnia for the last several months. I finally figured out a...
  3. Captain Steve Rogers

    Blood work — test E, anavar, arimidex

    I always see posts with people asking how much AI to take, and those posts always get the same response — get your bloods checked! I know this, because in years past I’d be the one searching it haha! So I thought I’d show you my intra cycle bloods to drive home the importance of knowing your...
  4. T

    Using expired Adex

    Anyone ever used expired Adex? I know this is a dumb question But I'm asking anyway. i got some pharma adex thats expired a year ago. Some of the guys i know say that they have used expired adex and it worked for them if they dosed a little higher. Anyone on Meso done this.
  5. FutureMrO

    ADEX VS NOLVA? On cycle?

    Okay bros iv been reading and iv always taken adex 0.5 on cycle to lower E and keep gyno away. But some people say to run Nolvadex to keep gyno away? I always thought nolva is pct? Should I use nolva instead of adex? What’s the big fuss? Let me know ur take dudes
  6. S

    Summer time lean bulk cycle

    Hey guys just wanted to get some opinions on my next cycle I'm about to start up next month. The goal is to always add some size while maintaining low bf. So keep the abs and add some good quality size. Stats: 6'4 226lbs at about 10-12% body fat. I can see the veins on my stomach over my abs...
  7. L

    Really need help: total estrogen is 800

    This is my first post and I am a little late asking for help now but here it goes I've been blasting and cruising for quite a while and have had gyno from a prohormone cycle a long time ago ignoring this for quite some time but now I'm suffering from the other high estrogen side effects like...
  8. Millcitymuscle

    Gyno issue, help from the community is needed

    ok so here's my issue. I've never had problems with gyno in the past from any cycles I've ran. But I ran a decca, dbol, test e cycle (later added tren to it) well as time went on I noticed a lump under my right nipple, it's on the lower portion of my Ariola, now I'm not an expert on gyno and the...
  9. I

    First Test E Cycle - Your Comments/Remarks?

    Hello all, I've been browsing this forum for quite some time as I've educated myself and finally came to the realization that it's time for me to give it a go! Here are my stats; 6'2, 235 lbs, 26 years old, ~18-20% BF My BIGGEST fear: When I was born, I had an undescended testicle...
  10. Greatwhitehulk

    Global anabolics

    Received some adex from these guys but having dick issues(semi erect and forever to bust) and nips are getting sensitive. Been running 1mg eod. Anybody have experience with them? Running 900 test with 500 tren. Maybe it's the other compounds. Never ran high test lower tren.
  11. W

    AI Dosage going from 750mg test e to 250mg

    My current blast consists of: 750 mg Test E 700 mg Tren A .5 Adex EOD 1mg Prami ED I wanted to try this as I've never tried running test at about the same level as tren, I've kept it lower in the past. After running this for a while, I decided I want to go back to low test/high tren, so I want...
  12. D

    Seeking input on bloodwork & current protocol (Clomid Mono + Adex)

    Quick background: I'm 49 & secondary from Accutane's version of PFS (post finasteride syndrome) for past 6 years. But this thread is not about that...plenty of that already discussed elsewhere. Purpose of this thread is to mainly seek input on optimizing E2 while on clomid monotherapy. I have...