advice please

  1. danieleisit

    First cycle looking to go from 25bf to 12bf

    looking for opinions How long would you say is better to run the cycle of 125 mg of test and 200mg of drostanolone and would a high dosage of test e help such as 175mg a week or 218mg with the 200mg of drostanolone. Or remove testosterone totally And run 300mg of drostanolone And primo...
  2. danieleisit

    First steroid cycle cutting

    looking for opinions How long would you say is better to run the cycle of 125 mg of test and 200mg of drostanolone and would a high dosage of test e help such as 175mg a week or 218mg with the 200mg of drostanolone. Or remove testosterone totally And run 300mg of drostanolone 16...
  3. A

    Help, fainting during injection

    Today I took my first injection ever of sustanon 250, from a reputable UK UGL. I took this intramuscularly via my glute, once I got about 1ml in after a minute of injecting slowly with a 21g needle, I felt a tingling starting from my stomach, moving up to my chest. After this I decided to...
  4. O

    A kinda newb at least to PED's

    Hey all, I just turned 61 and while I've been a gym rat for about 45 years I am now on TRT and wanted to finally start some PEDs to get some more gains. I am 6'3" and currently 255 having just lost 40 pounds of fat with diet and a small amount of cardio. I have just altered my routine to the...