
  1. J

    Androgens and short stature

    Hi there this is my first post on this forum, though I have lurking about here for a whole now. What is it that makes androgens like anavar and stanozol the go-to for cases like idiopathic short stature, familial short stature or anything like that, providing that an aromatase inhibitor like...
  2. Nicolaus

    Best steroid?

    Hello beautiful people Before I get flamed or taunted, I would like to point out I am a complete newbie and would appreciate clarification please. Never have done a cycle and do not plan on doing any soon, want to do as much research before I do. 1) Why dont people just do deca only or primo...
  3. RoidyNoob

    Long term cycling question...

    As my username states, "roidy-NOOB" for newby, I would like to ask a very obvious question nevertheless serious. I know the basics to the type of endocrinology we discuss here but I wanted ask if anybody around here, wether it is through experience or actual medical studies, knew about the side...