
  1. O

    first cycle questions

    So im preparing everything for my first cycle, i will only run some test just to get a feeling of it. My main question right now is the source. I need some of u guys with experience here. Granted that im thinking of buying from osgear, what are the most safe sources/labs that are proven 100% to...
  2. P

    First Cycle

    Hello everyone, What is a solid first cycle for beginners? The more research I do the more confused everything sounds. Initially, it seemed like an Anavar oral only cycle at 30-40mg a week for 6-8 weeks sounded decent for a start. I like it because it's milder and less side effects with PCT but...
  3. saynotodrugs

    Semi-new member

    I've lurked on this forum for years and though I've never done a cycle, I've been on HRT for over 5 years (as I don't produce sufficient test). I've just moved from Germany to the US and am hoping to find/develop a better test protocol (as my endocrinologist in Germany was sub-par and I was...
  4. B

    Beginner Questions

    Hi everyone. I’m new to this whole thing, and I have a few questions I’m hoping you can help me with. I’m a 52 year old male who has lifted on and off since my early twenties. I never seemed to be able to gain any mass. My best friend is an executive in a bodybuilding supplement company, and his...
  5. devreux

    fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

    about 8 years ago, i went from 160 lbs skinny to 305 lbs fat ass in one year from psych medicine. i really needed the medicine but i think the doctors gave me a little too much LOL. after a few years and changes in prescription, i got my weight stable to 245 lbs. 2 months ago, my doctor agreed...
  6. Creamy Kitty

    First Cycle- Stick with Anavar?

    Hello Meso, I was hoping for help on deciding what to start with. I like to go in over my head on most new ventures, but just want to verify I'm on the right track. I'm stuck deciding between Ostarine (and Cardarine?), Anadrol or Anavar. Osta and Cardarine are very popular in other forums...
  7. G

    First Blast of Blast and Cruise, Help?

    Hello all, lurker of many forums here. First time poster. Background: ~8-9 Years of lifting, ~4 Years of serious diet and programmed lifting. Age 23 I’ve been on “TRT” for the past 4-5 months (I was in the double digits for total testosterone from age 20 up and I had done no PED, drugs, ect. to...
  8. 2

    New plz help

    Hi guys new guy here, so I've tried pharmacoms test cyp as a basic beginner cycle , I was pinning 400mg/week but no change.but I'm pretty sure it was bunk cause I didn't experience anything out of the ordinary . I've been wanting to start an actual cycle but am finding it very difficult , can...

    first timer

    from USA 5'8" 150... just got first cycle in 3x10ml TestE... 2x10ml Deca Dura... 50 caps of dbol 20... and PCT clomid and nolva... can anyone give me any suggestions on dosing looking to start tonight
  10. E

    How to run HCG?

    Im doing my first cycle test e only, i believe i got everything down except the hcg protocol. - Week 1-12 test e 500mg Mon/Thurs - Week 1-12 hcg 250iu Mon/Thurs - Week 1-12 adex .5mg eod - Week 13-16 take none let test clear - Week 17-18 Nolva 40mg ed - Week 19-20 Nolva 20mg ed Please let me...
  11. Gbaby12

    Tren dick

    Hi all, I'd like to introduce myself. I started in training highschool as a swimmer, glory days I swam a 23sec 50yd free, weighed 160lbs lean like an Ethiopian. Now I Work as Roofer and weight train. I am 22 weigh 225lbs 6'2" height and my bench is. 225lbs 3 sets of 10. I'm finishing up a 4week...
  12. Gbaby12

    How long should I wait to run my next cycle.

    In week 4 of my first cycle (dbol only) I never want to come off, but pct with Novla will begin next Wednesday. I'm scared that Im going to piss out weight and get all depressed. I have two 600mg vials of test laying around and more dbol that I'm going to want to take asap. So how long do I have...
  13. JoshaFlockz

    First Cycle Test E only or Test E + Tren E

    21 yrs old, 170 lbs, 5'8 , hovering between 10-12% bf, been around AAS for a while , helped my cousin with injections during his test only cycle, been training for about 4 years with some breaks in between, flat bench 315x2 , squat 335x3 , will update with pics later on , was just wanting some...
  14. PMAN6815

    Cycle advice, getting good gear

    Hello everyone, just wanted to introduce myself and maybe get some advice on how to achieve my goals. I'm 34 years old, 5'11, currently weigh 178lbs, lean with bf% around 9%. I've done some cycles in the past of sust and had great gains but my dealer disappeared over a year ago and I keep...
  15. T

    First cycle back - gainer

    Gents, I would appreciate some advice from those of you with more experience than myself. Background: Have been recovering from an IED blast for the past few years, including a few major surgeries. I've been lifting and dieting for the past two years and am back up to 220 lbs from 190. I've...
  16. TheDozer

    Allow me to Introduce myself...

    my name is Dozer, D to the Ozer. Jayz intros aside. Happy to be here. 27 yo 305 bench/405 squat/440 dead, full ROM no straps or belts. Lifting 4 years, sport since HS. 6"0 210lbs (Hovering around 12-15% body fat according to google images). Dr diagnosed back issues on/off since 16. No...
  17. K

    Could you give your opinion on my beginner cycle

    So to start this will be my 2nd cycle, its been over a year now and I think I'm ready to go again. I want put on some mass so the cycle will go as follows: 1-12 test e 500mg/week 1-4 dbol 30 mg ed 1-12 adex 0.5mg eod 3-12 hcg 500iu / week 14-19 nolva:clomid 40:50 20:50 20:25 20:25 20:25 is the...
  18. Nighthawk8118

    1st Cycle Advice to cut with some gains??

    I'm 6'3" 229lbs 17%BF I'm sick of fighting with my terrible metabolism and having a gut... I have decided to do my first cycle. I want to lose as much fat as I can and gain a little muscle in the process. Clenbuterol would probably cause me jitters as a big cup of coffee does that to me. I've...