bench press

  1. Gbaby12

    It's Chest Day

    Today is Chest day, you need that pump before you go out to your friends this Friday night to show them how much better you are then all of them. So eat a handful of dbol, drink a monster, and get to the gym a half hour before it closes at 9. your normally doing 225 but slap an extra 45 on there...
  2. Jerkthamerk

    Benching with eagle arms

    I am 6'4" and my wingspan middle finger tip to tip is almost 80". It has always been so hard to build chest but my arms blow up instantly. I have trouble isolating my chest from my tris also. Does anyone have any advise on how to get around this? I usually just have to mostly use dumbbell...
  3. ATR713

    Bodybuilding vs. powerlifting

    Was just looking for some input on what you guys prefer. I've been lifting off and on for about 7 years. (Mostly off....) but I have always lifted trying to get bigger instead of focusing on strength. During a deployment last year I decided to give powerlifting a go since a buddy of mine was all...
  4. I

    Chest 3 times per week on steroids

    Hey, Alright guys, so my chest is a bodypart which I wold like to increase in size. It will be my primary focus throughout my bulk (7 months left). The cycle I will be running during this is test-e 500mg weekly for the full 12 weeks alongside 60mg of tbol at a kick starter for the first 6...
  5. jaymaximus

    Meso Powerlifting Corner

    Since we've had a few newer members who are into Powerlifting and more and more members who are making the switch I thought I would put together a thread to help. I'm not the most knowledgeable, so it's mostly going to be links to threads on here about powerlifting, equipment, and some current...