
  1. Brutus19

    New to gear

    Hello: 36 yr old male, first “cycle” if you will. 150mg test enanthate twice a week for 300mg weekly. I started test because I was feeling weak, tired etc for some time now, got tested and came in at 335. Mg/dL. I’m on my third week and feel good. A few questions: how many weeks should I...
  2. AKNYC1

    anyone in the new york area have nolva chlomid please contact me?

    anyone in new york area have nolva chlmoid i can purchase please let me know
  3. AKNYC1

    Redoing pct after sarms suppression

    Around December 1st I started to use sarms lgd 4033 for 30 days and felt very suppressed. I stopped using it and started using chlomid and nolva pct for around 3 weeks or so 50 50 25 chlomid 40 40 20 nolva I felt like I got back to normal. But then 10 days after i stopped using it I started to...