
  1. ckcrown84

    518 Bench / Cycle / Education Thread - Steroidify Sponsored Athlete

    518lbs competition bench, achieved! That was one heavy pig :) Been working with Steroidify for the past year and am glad I ran across that team. Quality gear and reliable. Customer service and shipping time is great as well. You will notice mid prep I had to do a pivot in protocol and...
  2. S

    planning next blast need critique

    currently on self trt at 175mg a day i’m 6ft 210 13% bf im planning my next blast in a month after the holiday season was planning on deca @ 250 primo @250 test @400 for 8-12 weeks and dbol @ 20ed added in the last 4 weeks. wanting to put on size and hoping to compete in mens physique sometime...
  3. cassius

    Men's Physique TOP 1 - National NPC Muscle Contest 2022

    Returning to activity here at MESO, I will share here with you another result of a recent competition with my athlete that I also consider as a brother. Event: National NPC Muscle Contest 2022 Athlete: @vitorfurt TOP 1 Class C Yeah... for those who don't know, we already had several victories...
  4. L

    Wellness prep cycle

    I am currently looking into a show 7 months from now. I am thinking of running the following cycle First cycle 10 weeks 25mg primo every 7 days Take 4 weeks off Second cycle 10 weeks 25mg primo every 7 days 2.5mg anavar in the AM with fasted cardio and and another 2.5mg before workout...
  5. Lis

    I’m looking for a competition prep/off season coach

    Where should I look or can anyone make recommendations? Female looking to do first stage competition.