cycle help

  1. B

    Summer cycle after vacation

    Cycle plan Test e 250mg Tren e 400mg Mast e 400mg Clen 40mcg 0-2 weeks (keep bumping it up 20mcg every 2 weeks till i reach to my max dosage at week 10 than drop the compound Winny 25mg 0-2 weeks Winny 50mg 2-8 weeks My current physique is 5’10 188lbs 15ish body fat% kind of just doing a...
  2. danieleisit

    Steroid cycle

    Can anybody advise on taking 500 mg of primo and anastrozole as a cycle support? This is for six weeks as well then PCT with clomid only and maybe hcg
  3. LockTheRock

    TREN ACE,, DBOL, AND T400 STACK cycle help please!..

    I'm not new to running gear by anymeans.. Last run 2 months ago ended a 12 week cycle of cyp, dbol, then cyp EQ.. ITS BEEN FOREVER since I fkd with Tren ace.. this is just for a short 6 week bulk then I'm going to switch up to some Masteron and give e the BPC157 AND TB500 a try.. Anyways. What...
  4. T

    First Cycle

    Hey everyone want to start my first circle with 50 mg dianabol a day and 500mg testo is this a good combination and cam may someone say a good brand for dianabol and testo?
  5. Watch me

    Need help!

    Currently running: 750mg of testosterone cypionate 400mg of trenbolone enanthate 250/300mg of tudca + nac 20mg of cialis 20mg of cardarine I have a resting heart rate of 120-140 bpm. My question is can I run 40mg of propranolol and 10 mg of ezetimibe while on cycle to help with this? Thanks in...
  6. Cereal masturbator

    Protecting fertility on cycle

    I’ve been looking into protecting my fertility while on cycle, I know there’s no 100% method but wondering what advice was out there for preserving fertility as much as possible while on cycle ? Will be running HCG while on my next cycle as I’ve found this interesting read that states A...
  7. musclesiege

    2nd Cycle Advice Recomp

    Hello Meso, So I finished my first cycle and been on cruise for 10 weeks at 200mg test cyp. Going to start my next cycle in a few weeks. My first cycle was 500mg test cyp/wk and the last 6 weeks I added anavar, started at 25mg/day but didn’t feel it so upped to 50mg which was a little better. I...
  8. V

    First cycle of Anadrol. Help!

    Hello, I been on TRT from about 5 months, 100mg test twice a week But I want to run oral component with it for my first cycle. And I have some question. Please help... Can I just run the same dose of 100mg test twice a week for first 2 weeks and Start week 3 with Anadrol 50–100 mg ED for 6...
  9. Dondajuan417

    Decent cycle to get back in?

    PH, SARM, SERM OUT Cycle Month 1 DMZ (AM/Lift) 7.5/7.5 mg or 15/15 mg MK677 (PM) 12.5 Week 2-6 if you feel any side effects low T high E Ie/ gyno, tired all day, ED, not horny, depression, fucked up appetite etc Aromasin/Prami depending on symptoms Don’t take either one once you begin...
  10. R

    I am debating if I should use Tren on my third cycle.

    First cycle was a test only cycle. This was kind of an experiment to see how I react. My second cycle was 600 mg of test C 300mg 2x per week and 40 mg of Dbol. I did get stronger and I did gain some mass. I did PCT with HCG. On my third cycle, I decided to get Tren but I'm having second...
  11. Tinknocker

    Blood test advice please help

    So here’s my details. I am 37yo. I started my first cycle at 30. Due to rather poor advice early on, I never got baseline bloods. I also extended blast length for wayyy to long over different time periods early on without knowing enough. I ended up doing blast/cruise although that wasn’t my...
  12. Watch me

    Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin and the difference between all of them and their purpose.

    Hello all! I want to blast and cruise testosterone enanthate or cypionate, but I don't know what I would use between Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin while on cycle? Could you all also explain to me what they all do and when you would use Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin in a scenario in which you would...
  13. ranox

    Suggestions on any cycle?

    I got 77kg (kinda low for my height ik) 1,91m/6,3” height And would like to know if anybody could suggest any good cycle for me. I would like something that has low water retention and good mass gains focused to up my weight to maybe around 85kg with this dry muscle look that tren gives...
  14. K

    2nd cycle advice/recomp

    it’s my first time posting, I’ve been lurking for a minute now. 25 yo, 6’2, 185 lbs pre first cycle, 225 post cycle. 6 years of lifting experience, never been exceptionally lean. the Pic of me is leanest I’ve ever been natty. 2 years before I did my first cycle. Besides all, I never really got...
  15. A

    Cycle Advise/Review Test+Npp+Eq

    Hey everyone, Not a first cycle workout and nutrition , sleeping is on point blood work usually pre,during,post cycle. doing a lot of research and reading before a cycle. i have decided so touch Nor-19 derivatives for the first time. my next cycle will probably be ( depend on the comments and...
  16. UwUnator

    What are your thoughts bro on my cycle?

    Hey bros, I am 5'9'' (M) Before starting my bulking cycle for this winter , I have drawn all my bloods and checked all the values for liver, thyroid, hormones, blood panel, kidneys and lipids. Everything came back normal, except Lh and FSh being on a lower side, which i expected since I didn't...
  17. gacela

    Virgin muscles or propionate in post injection pain

    Hi, I just started a cycle using Testosterone Propionate, it is my first time using this particular ester, in the past I have used Testosterone Enanthate and Trenbolone, but due to detection times, I have to use if or if this ester now, in my previous cycle, I only used the buttocks as an...
  18. M

    My planned sustanon only cycle and PCT plan what do you think?

    This will be my first ever cycle Since i only trust pharmacy products my only option is sustanon and primobolan. But i plan to use only sustanon The plan is like this week 1-12, weekly total 500 mg sustanon, it will be 2x250 mg in the week so 2 injections week 1-12, EOD (once in a 2 days)...
  19. C

    First Cycle

    Hello my name is Michael i am 21 years old. i am 71kg at 8% body fat i have been training around for 4 years started at 56kg and i want to do my first cycle. So after a whole research i am between 2 cycles: First one: Rexogin (Stanozolol) Alpha Pharma – 10 amp. x 50 mg. Monday-Thursday...
  20. J

    Seeking advice

    Hello all, I'm 45 and been lifting since I was 16. I go to the gym everyday and average about 2 hours per day. I did a few cycles in the past (back when I was around 25) but I had help from my workout partner that was a pro body builder. So I'm considering starting a new cycle and trying to...

    Shin Pumps and Back Pumps Athletes

    Hey guys I am an athlete who has used cycles in the past. Cycles like dbol, test prop and var. Not all at the same time though. I received great size and strength gains however i had to stop my cycles early every time because it was giving me painful shin and back pump when running which...
  22. Trippleb

    Hello from me

    hi all in new start my test e cycle tmoz just to try out see how I react not going over the top I have low test levels anyway I'm 19... 12 week cycle hopefully then coming off onto pct. how much gains am I expected to keep? Plus if I do a few courses through till say mid next year am I likely to...
  23. Trippleb

    Starting my first cycle tomorrow

    I'm starting my first cycle tomorrow of testosterone enanthate was wondering if anyone had any tips. Only keeping light just to see if my body reacts well and I'm going to try and keep some gains after pct. my whole diet is in check I've never done a course before any help me appreciated. I've...
  24. G

    first cycle thoughts

    Hey guys, new to this site and some what new to aas use. will starting my new/first real cycle next month, I've ran test e solo on its own before @500mg pw now I'm thinking of running a bulking cycle of test e @500mg pw Deca @200mg pw dbol @30mg ed doing this for 12 weeks but the dbol for 6...
  25. Antoine87

    First Cycle (newbie)

    Gonna be starting my first ever cycle soon, looking for advice in any area really. Im planning on 500mg of test enanthate a week (12 weeks or 10?) and also getting nolvadex for PCT and if side effects kick off from the oestrogen. In terms of PCT ive heard mixed things about whether nolva is...