
  1. K

    Running Anadrol and Dianabol at the same time

    All, Had a couple of questions about running a cycle, in particular using Anadrol and Dianabol at the same time and in what dosages. Assuming the following regime, Anadrol (50 mg/daily) Test Enth (1 cc twice weekly) Deca Durabolin (1 cc twice weekly) Anastrozole or Aromisin - Could one run...
  2. A

    Slightly less test than 1st cycle?

    1st cycle was test e, 500 mgs a week. Was going to run 50mg var this time with it, but was thinking since I'm adding var just go 375 MGs test a week...maybe even prop but idk about that. Is it really necessary to keep at least the same dose? Also it's from a compounding pharmacy so 50mg of the...
  3. M

    3rd Cycle Advice

    Hi guys, ive been a 'lurker' for many years now and have taken some really helpful advice from this site. Once more i find myself needing your opinions but first here are my stats: Age:25 Height: 6 Foot Weight: 205 pounds ~ roughly 14.7 stone Body fat: 12%, if the machine in the gym is...
  4. N

    First cycle - lets do this!

    Stats: 23 years old 6'1 210 lifting for 7 years Starting 10 week cycle of 500mg test e on the 14th! Been planning this for months. Getting blood done tomorrow. Goals: Leangains - hopefully a drop in bodyfat. Will be consuming between 4000 and 4500 kcals through clean food. Atleast 300g...
  5. aava12

    Short cycle 5 week cycle, any suggestion

    I am 28, 160 pounds, 21% bf, 5´10. I am planing to do a short 7 week cycle. Yes this is my first cycle. Week 1 Boldenone 1000mg, 4ml / Test prop 500mg, 2ml Week 2 Boldenone 1000mg, 4ml / Test prop 500mg, 2ml Week 3 Boldenone 1000mg, 4ml / Test prop 500mg, 2ml / dialy proviron 20mg and...
  6. W

    My first cycle??

    Hey guys I am new to this and was wondering what steroid cycle would be best for increasing strength and size for sports. To be exact football. Thanks
  7. A

    first tren cycle looking for tips

    I'm in the process of researching and studying up on tren.. I've been looking into it for about a year now. any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated. a little about me I started working out when I was 13 for sports I went in and played college football until I ran in trouble with the law...
  8. N

    First cycle - critisism? not a noob

    Hey guys, First of thanks for all the info - have tried to suck it all in through the last 14 months or so. Been reading up on AAS for a long time and feel its fianlly time for me to take the plunge. Current stats: age 23 height 6'0 weight 210 bf around 12 Diet: been eating between 3500-4000...
  9. K

    Good Combo with Winny

    All, Would anyone have advice on what combo would work best to get cut but have a fair amount of muscle mass? Winny 50 mg/daily Sustanon 250 twice a week Durabolin 250 twice a week vs. Winny 50 mb/daily Test Enth twice a week Deca Durabolin twice a week Thanks in advance for your help.