
  1. HeatherSwanson

    Mega Sickness Report - Almost Died from Flu

    Posting this on main forum because of broad information base. Title says it, got some flu last Sunday, if I had been living alone I would have died. Mid 30's 210lbs 10-12% BF Currently cruising with 300mg test, add primo in in the summer. No AI's no ancillaries. I don't drink alcohol or smoke...
  2. Mister Loco

    Training when you're sick?

    Lifted on Monday - Chest & Back - Had a bad headache in the morning and throat was hurting, didn't feel it later on in the day. Tuesday - Arms & Delts - Same thing in the morning, but I had a headache on and off throughout the day Wednesday - Legs - Same thing in the morning, coughed up mucus...