
  1. T

    Test cyp filtration: Is it supposed to take this long?

    I'm using one of these to filter my gear from a big 60ml syringe where I sucked up the oil and putting it into a vial. It's been an hour and I still am only 3/4ths of the way through filling up a 10ml vial, it's only dripping out while applying tons of consistent pressure. I'm assuming it's not...
  2. master.on

    Be clear: sterile filtration will NOT remove coronaviruses from finished or semi-finished gear.

    If an infected chinese worker sneezes or coughs on your raws, semi or finished gear, filtration will NOT remove the viruses. Coronaviruses are about 120-125 NANOmeters long Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and Pathogenesis coronavirus | Definition, Features, & Examples Sterile...