
  1. A

    Noob hello

    Hey everyone, F/40s here, I am doing my noob duty by saying hi :). In my youth I use to be super fit and active and then life and marriage happened and I got inactive and VERY fat. Now I am in search of some camaraderie of like minded people on my mission back to fitness with the assistance of...
  2. peptides

    rHGH 10IU third lab testing by Janoshik at zero dimer detected

    Just tried an rHGH GMP standard facility's 10IU product ,tested by Janoshik at purity and dimer. Looks not too bad. Ready to create own brand.
  3. AnnaCrawl

    A drug for beginners

    Good afternoon, training a man about 25 years old. Yesterday he said he wanted to perform, and wants to take drugs. He has been training for four years. Please advise me where I can find information about drugs for novice athletes?
  4. AASraw

    MESO-Rx Sponsor Genuine Steroid Powder Manufacturer-AASraw

    Dear MESO-rx Members, AASraw/ is very pleased to be here on the most trusted anabolic steroid forum with great news for you all: "After years of development, AASraw/ has its own large-scale factory and independent synthesis and customization laboratory. This will lay a solid...
  5. cassius

    Men's Physique TOP 1 - National NPC Muscle Contest 2022

    Returning to activity here at MESO, I will share here with you another result of a recent competition with my athlete that I also consider as a brother. Event: National NPC Muscle Contest 2022 Athlete: @vitorfurt TOP 1 Class C Yeah... for those who don't know, we already had several victories...
  6. cassius

    Debuting at the NPC Horse Power Pro Show 2022 in an amazing way!

    Time to start posting the results of this past weekend, on 07/29 and 30. And what a weekend full of positive results! The posts will be divided so it doesn't get too long and also because that way we generate more content . Also in no order of importance, because they were all sooooo important...
  7. Jayne Scott

    Did "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson use Steroids during his Black Adam Workout?

    As many of us eagerly await the premiere of 'Black Adam' billed for release in cinemas around the world in July of this year, it is interest to read about how Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson prepared himself for his starring role in the movie. While The Rock's daily workout regimen for the Black...